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Jewels Of Possibility
Jewels Of Possibility is a collection of 'treasure-map' articles written by inspired Possibilitators.
Each article opens a doorway to valuable new insights and options for the reader to choose from.
This is Ali Baba's cave and the door is open!
Steal all the Treasure you can and give it away everywhere! This is the kind of Treasure that grows by sharing it!
The Authors
Dan Palmer d. 2022
Treasure Chest of Distinctions and Stories
Here are 'Jewels of Possibility'. Each article you read earns you 1 Matrix Point. (NOTE: The Team is still working out these Matrix Codes... so please come back and find them later.) To accumulate your Matrix Points, please register the given Matrix Code in your free account at
Thank you for being an Edgeworker. Think about sharing what you discover in articles that you yourself write and publish... Writing them would make you an Edgewriter!
(NOTE: Articles are listed alphabetically by title, ignoring the word 'the'.)
3 Distinctions About Fear For Transformational Edgeworkers
by Devin Gleeson
Matrix Code JEWELS00.01
If transformation, evolution, and growth aren’t your thing, or if you cling to stability, sameness, and security, this article is not for you.
You believe that fear is bad, that it’s a feeling to avoid, ignore, hide, or overcome, and you’ve spent most of your life finding ways to run from it.
I know, I know, this is a pretty presumptuous way to kick off an article. I’ve generalized. It isn’t fair for me to make such statements about you, reader, who I’ve likely never met and who I may possibly never meet. And yet, if you’ve grown up in modern culture, where the only feeling that’s ok to feel is some neutered, anodyne, energy-less thing called 'good', then you’ve most likely gotten the same thoughtware around fear that we’ve all gotten. Namely, that it’s bad, gets in the way, isn’t helpful, blinds us, makes us chickens, makes us weak, etc., and that if we can avoid it, we should.
The ubiquity of this thoughtware implies that there might be something to it. If on one side we have US presidents telling us we have “nothing to fear but fear itself,” and on the other side we have spiritual gurus of every stripe assuring us that fear is just the opposite of love, who are we to raise objections?
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The 3 Essential Components for Evolution
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.02
Recently a movement gains speed, which deals with new ways of working and new organizational structures. Around the globe there are more and more people and initiatives pursuing the vision of establishing a new and sustainable – for people as well as for the Earth – way of working and economizing. There are already great and inspiring practical examples of CEOs and teams, who courageously try new things, e. g. the company Semco in Brazil having among other free working time and total transparency of salaries, the company Gravity Payments in the States, where the CEO Dan Price guarantees each employee a minimum salary of 70.000 Dollars at the expense of his former high manager income or a mid-sized company in the Franconian Forest in Germany where employees focus according to their talents and inspiration on the tasks they love to do and for which they take radical responsibility. There are many more organizations taking courageous steps, but there is one thing they all have in common: they are all pioneers.
As impressed as many people are by these innovative examples, there are just as well other voices arguing: "Well, it works in their company, but it will certainly not work in our company or in another corporation." This is a favorite and comfortable excuse for not even starting to leave known paths and preventing change from happening. What many people are not aware of is the fact that there are 3 essential components for evolution:
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3 Months Without The Feminine (mostly)
by Kian Nasir
Matrix Code JEWELS00.03
I finished my experiment of having no contact, meaning no eye contact, no touching, and no talking more than necessary to women for 3 months.
To be transparent, I held the hand of one woman, hugged two women, and got touched by women before I could say stop. Furthermore, in the last month of this experiment, I started talking more to one woman that I lived with at that time who was dear to my heart and important to talk to for me. It was not a perfectly executed straight experiment. But nonetheless, I want to share about it.
The purpose of this experiment was to unmesh my energy as a man from the energy of the feminine. To find how my masculine energy feels like and to work with what comes up for me in this process. Also, I wanted to feel and hold my inner parts that are dependent on the feminine energy and feed on the energy women radiate.
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3:30 Is the Line Between Heaven and Hell
by Kian Nasir
Matrix Code JEWELS00.04
At the moment I am working with the memes and memetic constructs (that which I think with) that I have to judge my life into 'that is good' and 'that is bad'. One distinction is that what is conscious or serves the evolution of consciousness is good. What is unconscious or does not serve the evolution of consciousness is bad.
When I hear that first, I even think that this is a good measurement stick to have.
But when I zoom in more it is an insane hell world I created for myself.
For Example. When I watch a tv show my line between Heaven and Hell starts at 3:30 hours...
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3G Means: Good Girls Going...WILD
by Christine Ploschenz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.05
My name is Christine and this is not my name. Everything that I have been so far was given to me. My name, my jobs, my identity, even my thoughts and feelings. And I let this happen. Christine is a Box. A good girl box.
It took me 10 years to disidentify from that box because I was so consumed by it and what I know now is, that I have this box but I am not it.
Inside these walls is a woman who can ride a dragon and sometimes speaks as if she`s it! This is one of these moments.
I am angry ! And here is what I want to say: ...
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4 Essential Aspects for Avoiding Stress and Burnout
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.06
With regard to a new way of working there is one topic which many employees wish to change. It is the topic of stress and burnout. It cannot be denied that stress at work is part of daily life in modern performance society and that the burnout rate increases undamped. The office for job strategy in Berlin ( has brought it to the point in one of their articles: In modern working life the individual requirements increased considerably. However, oftentimes a factual overload is not picked out as a central theme for worries regarding the reputation or the working place. In addition, it is mainly the people who are very much willing to work who are overstressed and who tend to not admit this overload due to too much sense of responsibility.
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4 Levels of Enmeshment That Prevent Adult, Fulfilling Relationship at Eye Level
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.07
When you are longing for a fulfilling, adult relationship at eye level, but find yourself over and over again in ordinary relationship, this could be due to an important aspect: The enmeshment of energies and personal spaces. This might sound weird at first. However it is one of the essential aspects why couples keep being stuck on the ordinary level. Let us therefore take a look at what’s behind it.
With regard to the evolution of relationship, the stage that follows the adolescent flirting stage is usually the relationship stage, which can be described as fusion. In this stage, low drama (the victim- persecutor-rescuer dynamic) and disputes are common. It is an emotional rollercoaster that feels pretty much alive at first, but in the end sucks a lot of energy. In this stage a certain co-dependency exists between the partners. This co-dependency might cause you to think that the partner is “yours” or that you “need them”. However, this kind of relationship is not an adult relationship at eye level, in which each partner owns their power and can take a stand for themselves.
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7 Steps to Get Out of Resignation
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.08
Recently I saw a short speech of Matt Damon, the famous US actor. In his speech he analogously said "The government thinks that civil disobedience is the problem. But this is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is the number of people all over the world who have obeyed the dictates of the leaders of their government...” Wise words, because this world could in fact be a different one if more people were more “civil disobedient”. This means nothing else than lowering your own numbness bar, feeling the pain about certain conditions and taking action instead of resigning. Resignation seems to be a topic affecting many people to a smaller or bigger extent. It can be the resignation about the current circumstances on Earth, ranging from wars, climate change, flows of refugees to destruction of nature and suppression, or it can be about the resignation in your own life, e. g. a boring, stressful job, an unfulfilling relationship or annoying neighbors.
It is helpful at this point to clarify what resignation actually means. Wikipedia defines resignation as follows: “(...) since the middle of the 19th century resignation describes the human attitude as: a mood of complying in an inevitable situation, e. g. in (felt) hopelessness.” When you resign, you give up. You give up the hope for change and think that you can’t change things anyway. Consequently you become a victim of circumstances.
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100 Million Nanonations
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.09
A 'superstition' is 'an easy-to-understand concept that has no basis in reality'. Believing a superstition blocks the perception of more useful possibilities. But superstitions are not called superstitions until they are recognized as superstitions. Before then they are regarded as the truth.
A superstition that participants in modern culture have not yet identified as a superstition is 'the nation-state'. This superstition became popular in the 1800s as a win-lose game ("If you get the resources we die, so we will do whatever it takes to get the resources."). This superstition includes the concept that a nation-state is connected to a piece of land on Earth. Since all the land on Earth has already been claimed by the current 206 nation-states, it is assumed that no new nation-states can emerge on Earth.
But the connection between a nation-state and a plot of land is not a law of nature. It is invented in the imaginations of human beings, pure fiction, a story marketed to you by - you guessed it! - the current set of nation-states!...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.10
I am on the playground with my two-year-old son and the three-year-old son of a neighbor. It is a crisp morning, and the sun is just about to rise over the large willows at the edge of the playground. The two boys have only known each other briefly and are wandering about, uncertain what to do with themselves.
I am tired from an interrupted night’s sleep and am feeling glad that the two children have each other to play with. I also feel some fear, the uncertainty of how this will go, the responsibility of taking care of another child, wanting to create a safe space for them to explore in.
In their roaming around they both come across a shovel lying in the sand, and one nanosecond later they are both clinging to one side of it yelling “I want it” “No, me! I want it!”. They are full on: faces red with wrath, their bodies completely engaged in their wanting, feet stemmed deep in the sand, fists clenched around the object of desire. They are YELLING at each other. Again and again, the same words and sheer screams of Anger.
I notice my fear rising, I am starting to sweat. There is a part of me, I would call my Child Egostate, that wants to run away from conflict and loud, strong feelings. The grown up part of me is afraid that they will hurt themselves and instantly takes hold of the shovel, softly keeping it in the middle between them, just making sure neither of them starts lashing out at the other’s face with it.
My inner Evolutionary is alert, celebrating the undisturbed space and time that is unfolding around us. There is a knowing that I need to DO NOTHING...
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A Memorial That Works
by Daway Chou-Ren
Matrix Code JEWELS00.11
I write this after attending a memorial service for a family friend’s daughter. I’ll call her Erica. Erica committed suicide after struggling with depression for several years. Much of the memorial was sweet, with friends telling stories about her rock climbing adventures and her deep passion for mental health, which manifested in organizing mental health conferences. But these touching remembrances were punctuated by three moments that jarred and disturbed me.
The first came when a photo of Erica smiling appeared during a slideshow. Her mom jumped up and said, “Look, even at this point in time, and she was in a deep depression here, she’s still smiling. She was so strong.” She talked again and again about “how hard Erica tried.”
The second was when the well-groomed pastor who was leading the proceedings opened the floor for impromptu memory sharing, with one caveat: “Please, this is a celebration of her life, so we want you to share memories you have of her that made you smile.”
The last was when memory sharing concluded: “This is a party to celebrate her life, so let’s all leave with smiles on our faces.”
I was unsettled by these instructions of how to feel, how to share, and how to view Erica...
A Story About Jacking In
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.12
At the beginning of this journey, I met a Man.
I capitalize the word Man for a reason. He had learned, through dying many many times, the Possibility and the value of Being Nothing in the Presence of a Woman.
This time, the woman just happened to be me. It was the first time that I experienced my Everythingness being well met. Not only were the archetypal parts of me seen, they were also held, and most of all, welcomed. Not being naïve, I didn’t let my guard down so easily. He had to work unfalteringly for more than two years before it occurred that he was received by the Source.
We would go to cafés and restaurants and he would sit there attentively with his book open, a pen in his hand, and through nonlinear possibility questions he would open doorway after doorway for my archetypal aspects to flow through — coincidentally in his general direction.
These were the best of times. Experiencing the electricity of being jacked-into an archetypal Source and downloading the Treasure to an unfillable receptacle is by far the most exhilarating adventure I had until then found...
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A Story About Pretending
by Sophia Madgalena-Hofmann
Matrix Code JEWELS00.13
Standing in front of you. I try to connect, be with you and something stops me. I cannot feel anything. I want to run off. I just hate this right now. Crazy idea to put myself in this position. How the fuck shall I answer this question. I’ll just answer. No wait, shit… you don’t need an answer. That is not where you are. That is not what is needed right now. Well… I already answered. It happened.
Letting other people touch me is so dangerous. If they touch me they can hurt me. If they can hurt me, they can judge me and if they judge me then they can destroy me. By ‘destroy’ I mean: kill me and squeeze the life out of me so I become their slave and lose my freedom of movement. Do not let them see what is really going on.
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About Dignity
by Martina-Riccarda Niklis
Matrix Code JEWELS00.14
In a world where it is possible to experience something like sexual abuse, the only option for me was to forget those experiences immediately and forever.
I buried them deep.
It was a matter of life and death.
It was a matter of my survival...
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Aliveness Is Not Allowed
by Patrizia Patz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.15
We live and work in a system where aliveness is considered as a problem. About 20 years ago finishing my studies in economics, I was eager to start my first job in the industry. I was full of anticipation and enthusiasm, totally inspired by the thought of finally making my contribution to the greater good after such a long period of learning. Well, what can I say? A few days as an employee were enough to kill my inspiration and my enthusiasm completely. It was not due to the company for which I worked, but due to the concept of 'dependent work', on which our economic and labor system is based upon in general. To make a long story short – I could not stand it more than one year before I started my own business. The fear, to spend the next 40 years in “prison” was bigger, than my need for safety.
At that time, I thought that probably there is something wrong with myself. I thought that I was just not able to adapt in a way that I could function in this working concept. Today I know that there is much more about it. Meanwhile, I have found out that I am committed with my whole being to the principle of 'aliveness' and that my true job is to clear the way for aliveness. No wonder, that I had the feeling of suffocating, because our prevailing economic and labor system avoids aliveness like the plague. Aliveness is unpredictable and therefore unconsciously considered as the number one killer of productivity and profit!
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Bambi vs. The Collapse Of Civilization
by Timothy Scott Bennett
Matrix Code JEWELS00.16
I could not not share this precious Blog post written by Timothy Scott Bennett, author of All Of The Above and Rumi’s Field, and author, director and editor of the documentary What A Way To Go — Life At The End Of An Empire. I found this gem as an Appendix at the end of Conscious Feelings, by Clinton Callahan. A part of me, halfway through the article, just wanted to stop reading (the little voices saying “It’s too long”, “I’m busy”, “I’m tired of reading about the collapse of things”, bla bla bla). If this happens to you, my proposal: stay awake. Push through. Read the whole, damn, thing.
- Anne-Chloé Destremau
The people I see engaged in effective response have all faced into, sat with, chewed on, and stared down their fear. This does not mean they are no longer afraid. It means that they have confronted their fears and found themselves more than a match for them. It means they have found their power to respond even when afraid, which is the definition of courage. They are still standing in the headlights, for there is no real place to hide, but they are not frozen. They are readying themselves for the blow, however and whenever it comes, responding, moment by moment, intuitively, rationally, non-rationally, and with heightened awareness
Don’t be afraid to be afraid…
- Yoko Ono, Beautiful BoysI have heard many astounding things in the four years since I began to make the documentary film What a Way to Go. The most astounding is this, which I have heard more than once, from real, living, seemingly intelligent and thoughtful people: “I refuse to be scared.”
Imagine… refusing to feel one’s feelings. As if such a thing is ever really possible. As if such a thing is even a good idea. As if such a disconnection from one’s own body and one’s essential humanity, as if this core-directed attempt at control and domination, isn’t just more of the same...
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Basing GNP On Resource Extraction Is Self-Cannibalism
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.17
Imagine how much healthier and wealthier we become by shifting from an economics of self-cannibalism to an economics of self-regeneration. No more employers or employees, no slave-owners and slaves. No brands, franchises, absentee ownership, landlords, career paths, retirement benefits, tax havens, hierarchies, corporate personhood, or non-local authorities. These are dust on the Path of evolution to human consciousness.
Yes... and... how does it go?...
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Becoming A Next Culture Villager
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.18
Thinking about trying to create or join a village gameworld feels scary because you are trying to do a new thing (join a village, become a villager) using very old thoughtware (the teachings about reality as given to you by modern culture).
Before even thinking about what it would be like for you to live in a village or intentional community it might be wise first to upgrade your thoughtware, that is, to update what you are using to think with.
School taught you what to think about. That is curriculum content. Thoughtware is what you use to think with. Becoming a next culture villager includes intelligently moving your Point Of Origin from modern culture to next culture. At this point, nothing could be wiser than this...
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Being The Space - Firewalking Initiation
by Vera Luísa Franco
Matrix Code JEWELS00.19
This Summer a group of brave Possibilitators decided to consciously organise their lives in such a way that they would find themselves walking nearly 8 meters (26 feet) of burning embers barefoot. This is an authentic adulthood initiation where we would use our Conscious Adult Fear and Conscious Adult Anger to be in an extraordinary space such that the commom laws of physics would not apply. Meaning our bare skins would not burn. The purpose of this initiation? To directly experience the power of spaces and spaceholding.
I had heard about this initiation before, and how mind-blowing it was for a few friends that, like me, had learned all their life that fire and hot embers make nasty burns on bare skin. When confronted with the reality that they could indeed walk safely on those glowing red coals, despite feeling the heat coming from that mass of carbon on the ground, their logic minds short-circuited and gave them a whole new perspective on what is possible...
Being to Being Love
by Helena Pruul
Let me see you in your rawness,
With all that you carry and hide.
Allow the sadness tide rise,
and pour out, to land in connection.
I am here to hold space,
for all that comes, on your own pace.
I invite you to step into your anger,
to build your core stronger.
Claim what is important for your purpose,
and dive into your clear intentions.
Notice fear becoming alive,
to indicate what matters.
Take yourself to the edge, trust, you’ll survive,
and see how your tribe gathers.
With all that you’re feeling,
let the joy sink in.
May your heart smile and radiate,
through the honest a vulnerable way
we communicate.
Beware The Jabberwock, My Son
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.20
I make the effort to share this information because it gives me, at last, a plausible answer to a long-unanswered question: Why, no matter how much intelligent goodwill exists in the world, is there so much war, suffering and injustice? It doesn’t seem to matter what creative plan, ideology, religion, or philosophy great minds come up with, nothing seems to improve our lot. Since the dawn of civilization, this pattern repeats itself over and over again.
The answer is that civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been built on slavery and mass murder. Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, cheat, steal, torture, manipulate, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse, in order to establish their own sense of security through domination. The inventor of civilization — the first tribal chieftain who successfully brainwashed an army of controlled mass murderers — was almost certainly a genetic psychopath. Since that momentous discovery, psychopaths have enjoyed a significant advantage over non-psychopaths in the struggle for power in civilizational hierarchies — especially military hierarchies...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.21
Navigating the experienced synergies of Possibility Management and Regenerative Development practices
Have you already found yourself trying to choose between different parts or scales of your life? Wanting to choose between promoting social, ecological or environmental activism; trying to get your team, organization or community together in order for you all to be more aligned in the organization direction and goals and better work together; working on your personal development so you are a better person, partner, father or colleague?
In general, and simplistically, our current society considers that we obtain knowledge from experts and knowledgeable ones, that the world is a mechanical system with causes and effects connected through linear processes, and that we human beings are born with some capabilities and that development and evolution is uncommon or difficult.
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.22
Navigating the experienced synergies of Possibility Management and Regenerative Development practices.
In this article we will share with you some of our insights, learnings and ongoing experiments, and hope these will shine some light to your own path. This article describes how we are perceiving each practice considering our journey until now and their synergies, complementarities and where they are significantly different.
We want to bring clarity that what we present here is a current understanding we have of both practices. We have been practicing Possibility Management (PM) and Regenerative Development (RD) for less than 5 years, and know that each of them have more than 30 years of experience. Nevertheless, this reflection based on lived experience will be important for us to get our “X on our map” (feedback) as well as receive invitations to go deeper in each of the practices.
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Catharsis versus Cathexis
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.23
It is cooking inside of many people these days. It is bubbling, boiling, pinching, it is just about to explode. What is this IT? The “IT” is feelings and emotions that are boiling up, which shows in
various forms. Some people literally explode by e. g. screaming at somebody or starting a fight over irrelevances. Others swallow their feelings silently and sooner or later have physical symptoms and a big number of people try to suppress feelings with shopping, consumerism, alcohol and distraction. This is not surprising, since in our society we have been manipulated in a way that it is not okay to have or show feelings. You have to be strong, reliable and professional and feelings just don’t fit into this picture. What would the neighbors and colleagues otherwise think! Feelings are negative, foolish, childish and destructive. However, many people are facing their limits by now, and trying to suppress what’s boiling inside of them sooner or later triggers backwards.It is time to realize that feelings and emotions are not a design error of God, but an essential part of us. They are meant to be. They are archetypal forces that serve us.
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Celebrate Your Broken Heart: an experiment
by Juliane Geller
Matrix Code JEWELS00.24
It was this June. It was completely unplanned- that’s how the experiment began: I signed up at Tinder together with a friend. The idea was to just let myself be surprised by whatever the 'Tinder Adventure' has in store for me. “I want a nice summer story,” I said to myself. And then I fell in love. At 150% it went straight to the heart and I could have gone on like this forever.
And then the summer passed. At the beginning of autumn, my dream ship crashed. The summer story did not make it through the fall - as much as I wished it would.
And then? It started. The lovesickness process that I know only too well.
But something is different this time: it is my first lovesickness since I started my path to become an initiated adult.And I’m determined to finally try something else than the same pattern of repressing, not letting go and suffering that I usually do. But how does that work?...
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Commit Before You Know How
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.25
If something is possible, it means you or someone else has already done it before. Otherwise, how would you know that it is possible?
And if something has already been done, why would you want to do the exact same thing again? Will that fulfil the deepest longings that are throbbing away in your heart and soul? Will that feed you the way you have been dreaming of for so long?
Is doing something that can already be done serving the community or your destiny? If this job has been done before then perhaps it is not your job to do now. Probably it was the job of the person who did it.
So what is your job? What is this thing that the Universe, Gaia, and humanity are waiting for you to do? What is this thing that life has actually brought you on Earth to do? The suggestion here is that your job might just be that impossible thing that has been staring you in the face for weeks.
It could be that the impossible thing is quitting your job, asking for a promotion, creating your own business, moving out of your apartment to live in a car and go traveling around Europe, buying a one way ticket to New Zealand without a plan, taking your kids out of school, moving to another country, buying land to build your own community…
But how can you possibly do something that is impossible to do? Richard Bach, in his marvelous little book Illusions, gives part of the answer: “You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true.”
What wonderful news! But how to get access to the power to make it true? An interesting and fun way to try this is to commit to this impossible thing before you know how you are going to do it...
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Conscious Survival Is Okay
by Dor Sharabi
Matrix Code JEWELS00.26
In modern culture, we were mutilated in more than one way- so we suck at survival.
This might confuse you, because of the distinction that: what modern culture is about is keeping is in survival.
But someone playing in the modern culture gameworld doesn’t consciously try to survive. He thinks what he is doing is 'living'.
When you try to survive in the disguise of living, everything is a problem, and except for the 'seeking' one might have for something else, like a true adulthood path, almost everything ends up to be a low drama or a trauma, aka survival in modern culture.
An example of the latter is me being on the 'Spiritual path', yet all I could do is compare other paths to mine, and intellectualize why they are wrong. I was still unconsciously surviving, trying to 'win at the game of figuring out life'...(Related:,,,, and
Corona Virus Fear
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.27
Let’s get to the bottom of this, shall we? What are those sensations coursing up and down your spine when you hear the words ‘Corona Virus’? That tightness around your heart? Shallow breaths, survival-instinct alertness, ready to leap away, or fight, or powerlessly panic?
Yes. It is fear. Deep fear. High intensity survival fear. Your fear.
What is that fear actually about? What are you truly afraid of? What do you imagine will happen to you if you get infected with Corona Virus?
You don’t know?That is because your Numbness Bar is so high.
Perhaps this is worth investigating...
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Creating Intimacy Starts With Fear
by Johanna Marie Pfab
Matrix Code JEWELS00.28
Conscious Fear has subtle and fantastic treasures for you.
When you are with someone, use your conscious fear for saying what you want and for sharing things that you are actually afraid of because exactly this makes you vulnerable and being vulnerable is an opportunity for intimacy. Being vulnerable requires you to sit with your conscious fear and stay there while being in connection with another person. To make your fear conscious, share why you are afraid of being in a relationship with that person. By doing that, your fears become conscious fears and you don’t have to keep that somewhere in your mind, emotions, or energetical field...
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Create Your Life Using The Power of Declaration
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.29
A phenomenon at the turn of the year is the fact that many people decide to change something or create something differently in their lives. New Year’s pledges and wishes are sent out into the universe in great numbers and at first most people really have the noble and sincere intention to realize these. It is therefore even more astonishing that especially the pledges are thrown overboard already after one, two, three weeks. There are many reasons and influencing factors for that. However, one essential factor is the missing knowledge about the power of declaration.
Ongoing we declare without really being aware of it. When we declare then we determine how things are for us. We say “It is so!” By declaring we create our life, because each declaration forms a story serving a specific purpose and affecting our lives. The purpose can either be responsible or irresponsible, give you power or withdraw from your, connect you with or separate you from people, make your life easier or more difficult.
In live things happen constantly. We make different experiences, meet various people, might work in companies, travel, etc. The crux is: no matter what happens, we cannot leave things neutrally.(Related:,,,, and
The Difference Between Being, and Doing Nothing, Is Thoughtware
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.30
We have thoughtware for just about everything in our lives.
I want to talk about one particular piece of thoughtware right now, the thoughtware about ‘Taking Action’.
In modern culture, the thoughtware about ‘Taking Action’ is directly connected to the sensation of having to ‘Do’ something. We assume that to ‘Take Action’ we must do something. That is our way of approaching the problem called ‘Taking Action’.
The industrial thoughtware of modern culture hammers in us that we must use our time to ‘Do Something’, and that if we are ‘Doing Nothing’ then we are a burden for society, we are not contribution to the economy, and we are not worth being taken care of by the nation-state. In Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.), ‘Doing Nothing’ has been equated with ‘Bad’, and ‘Doing Something’ (or at least acting as if you are ‘Doing Something’) has been equated with ‘Good’. The more you ‘Do’, the more you are valued as a human being.
But what about our name being our birthright? Human 'being'.
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The Difference Between Neediness and Necessity in Relationship
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.31
Relationships are well known for conflict potential. This is naturally based on the fact that two people with different background, education, experiences and opinions come together. It is rather unlikely that two people think the same way in every aspect or have the same opinion about everything.
However, conflicts also occur very often, because both partners are not aware of the distinction between neediness and necessity. Do you know people in your environment, who act in a needy way and make the partner responsible for their well-being? These could e. g. be people who expect that their partner does certain things, or acts a certain way. What does neediness in relationship exactly mean? When you are needy, you make your partner responsible for your well-being.
Your mood depends on the mood of your partner and on whether or not he fulfills your (mainly unexpressed) expectations. There are for example people who have a tremendous need for love and they only feel fine when they get both from their partner in huge quantities. But this shot back-fires pretty quickly...
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Do Not Deceive Yourself
by Martina-Riccarda Niklis
Matrix Code JEWELS01.25
The verb “to deceive” is back-referential in German. So when you deceive yourself, it’s kind of like when you take a shower.
You can’t take a shower and then accost someone if you’re not clean, because it was you who took off your clothes and stood in the shower stall. You soaped yourself up and rinsed your body with water. You left the shower stall, dried yourself off and got dressed again.
Now, when you stand in front of the mirror and see that your hair is greasy, you can’t call your brother and say, “Hey you dumbass, why do I still have greasy hair? I just got out of the shower, didn’t I?”
When a verb is back-referring, it means that no one else has anything to do with it. The guys who invented verbs thought carefully about this.
What happens when you get it wrong? It may have to do with a wrong assessment. For example, you break into the lake because you were wrong about the thickness of the ice. You misjudged it.(Related: , , , , , , , , , ,
The Emotional Trap in Relationship
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.32
It still seems to be a taboo topic: Feelings! I recently read an article in which the author wrote about his experiment of creating a happier life for himself. What he wanted to do was – among other – to avoid anger and overreactions to small irritations. Do you know this? Have you ever tried to no longer be angry and to create especially your relationship in a harmonious way?
In search for happiness and satisfaction many people wish for a harmonious relationship with their partner. The purpose of creating such a relationship full of harmony is in fact very noble. The question however is what harmonious means. Many people mean by this not only that they don’t fight and argue with their partners anymore, but that they ideally only feel joy leaving all other feelings like anger, sadness and fear behind. Well, this is exactly the point where harmony becomes an illusion. Because really, how long does this work?
Exactly, it works until your partner pushes your red buttons. And one thing is for sure: they will find the buttons, most of the time unconsciously.
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Escaping The Patriarchal Culture
by Jorge Pedret
Matrix Code JEWELS00.33
In the video there are two shadowy figures talking very fast about stories about what is going on in the world. Very relevant, very 'true'. Imagine that you are sitting next to two powerful psychopaths discussing the fate of the world and their strategy for how to win the game.
What I get from this video brings forward the distinction: Gameworld. We live in a world of Gameworlds. Humans use Gameworlds to collaborate with each other. Gameworlds have the rules of engagement, principles, and the official currency (what is valued in the Gameworld).
The Patriarchal Capitalist Modern Culture has the shadow principles of competition, greed, good/bad, right/wrong, deception, division, exclusion, etc. Its currency is money and material things. And the rules of engagement are based on hierarchy: I’m more, you’re less. I win, you loose. We’re born into this culture in which we must find a way to survive in it by sacrificing, exploiting or hiding our bright principles (love, transformation, dignity, respect, connection, friendship, etc).
You are a pawn of the Patriarchal Gameworld until you do the painful and transformational process of Extracting yourself from Patriarchy...
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Exiting Patriarchy
by Kian Nasir
Matrix Code JEWELS00.34
I write this text as a part of my research about how I can exit the Patriarchy as a man myself. To write this text I have to become a different person than I was before. Through this process I take a step closer to exit the Patriarchy and hope to inspire a few of you to do the same.
What is the Patriarchy? And why exit it?
Patriarchy is generally understood as the leadership and superiority of men over women opposed to matriarchy where women lead and are superior to men.
Where I want to go is what is possible beyond both of them, that which is called Archiarchy in the Possibility Management context.
But to get there I have to start where I am.
Where can I find the Patriarchy? How can I investigate it?...
Only here I have the authority to dismantle and ruthlessly stare into what I have caused as a man and can feel the pain about it. Feeling that pain is necessary, to truly change my thoughtware, my actions and my standing in the world, to be someone where the perpetuation of Patriarchy ends...
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Exposing My Expectations About The World, People And Money
by Jorge Pedret
Matrix Code JEWELS00.35
Money has been a mystery and struggle for most of my life. Last night (October 5th 2022), Serena held space for me to explore the next step in the blockages, contradictory choices that cut off resources from flowing through me, to me, for me, from me.
Here's the recording from our processing space, which I share here with the purpose of sharing the research with others who might find value in the process...
What is getting in the way of my abundance? What is taking space in my soil that is not letting other things grow? What is blocking me from my sense of self worth? How am I living in denial? What am I denying to myself? What am I denying to others?
It's become more visible that part of me is holding resentments and stories about the world and other people's way of getting money. Here's a few of them: "Things shouldn't be like this." "Why is the world so blind?" "I expect people to be curious about me or ask me if I need anything." "I don't know how to ask for what I need." "The work that I do is more important than the work that other people are doing." "Not everything that shines is gold." "I don't see a way out of this."...
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Fear Applications For Parents
by Eva Daubert
Matrix Code JEWELS00.36
Six o clock. The alarm goes off. I pull my consciousness out of the soft dream I was just hanging in and the next thing I notice is Fear. It comes along in this dull gray whitish shade of colour. I dread the moment I have to wake up my son. It was later than I wanted it to be for him to go to bed last night. Now I feel Fear not only because it seems so cruel to rip a softly sleeping angel- like child out of his dreams before he would organically wake up. I also am afraid to face his Gremlin’s reaction. In the last few days we have been building up this pattern of Low Drama that starts right in the morning: I wake him. He ignores me. I leave him for 5 Minutes and go off to get other stuff handled, just to return with already a mixture of Rage and Fear: I am angry because nothing is moving (“This is so unfair, because I always have to get up so early if I want it or not!” snorts my Gremlin Drama Queen internally, in unison with my Child Ego State…). Underneath that, I am afraid, because I think that if he doesn’t start moving right now, my beautifully laid out plan for the morning- actually for the whole day- is in danger...
Family Life In Times Of Crisis
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.37
You have given up, and hold the painful conclusion that ‘these kids are so spoiled they can’t appreciate the safety and love I provide’. You didn’t have any of this (especially the money and junk food) when you were their age, but ‘they have no respect for any of it’.
I stopped everything else in my life to wrestle with this terrible paradox.
Yes, there is disease and crime on the streets. Why must there be so much tension at home?
I used the Buddhist idea that if I encounter a paradox, the paradox is within me. What is blocked that could fall into flow if I moved certain things around in me like a Rubric’s Cube?
Ahh… Assumptions! Thoughtware! The ways we are taught to think! For example, there is research showing that children do not have the structural capacity to take responsibility for the level of responsibility that they take until they are eighteen years old.
If a parent or caretaker assumes that a young person should take full responsibility, then the home environment can have no children in it. The gap between what the parent structures and what the child needs forces the child into a desperate survival struggle against the parents. A child’s reactivity is the best they can to survive in the circumstances you have built for them. You are forcing them to fight you...
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Fear: The Underestimated Power-Force
by Christine Dürschner
Matrix Code JEWELS00.38
Operating as a hidden driver, fear is not conscious anymore. Fear operates then like an emotion attached to a story, an assumption from the past, mainly created when we are young, about how bad, wrong, useless, unprofessional, unpredictable, and inappropriate fear is.
These assumptions have been passed on from our parents, parental figures, and modern Western society. We simply adopted it, because nobody ever told us better.
We are running out of chances.It is time to change the game...
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Fear Is Power
by Brianne VaillancourtMatrix Code JEWELS00.39
What do you do when faced with life or death?
Do you know?
Do you stand there, frozen in fear? Do you collapse upon yourself, unable to bear your own powerlessness, a victim of circumstance? Do you push back, threaten, overpower?
You might experience any of these in varying degrees, but at the end of the hour, when all the leaves have fallen, you can make up any kind of story you want. You won’t know until you experience real survival, life/death survival, viscerally.
A few months ago, I set out on a 10-day white-water canoeing adventure in the Canadian wilderness...
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Fear Of Fear
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.40
Thoughtware is what we think with.
We seldom think about what we think with.
We mostly think about what we think about. We think about our relationships, about what we will have for dinner, about how to balance our accounts, etc… These are all things we think about. But what do we use to think with, about those things? We use what we call thoughtware.
For example, think about a mountain. What thoughtware are you using to think about a mountain? An anthropologist discovered that a young boy in the state of Colorado thinks about a mountain as a pile of rock that he can mine for his own profit. A young boy in Peru relates to the mountain as a god guiding him during his journey through Life on Earth. The American boy thinks he can own part of Planet Earth, whereas the boy in Peru regards Earth as a deity which cannot be owned. Neither thoughtware is good nor bad, better nor worse. However, thoughtware has consequences in reality.
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Feedback Is Gold!
by LeeKumar
Matrix Code JEWELS00.41
In the Map for Rapid Learning it is distinguished: Feedback is Gold !
Today I look at giving feedback from the other side of the communication, from the side of the communicator — me, the one that provides feedback.
The questions I ask myself are:
- Where does the feedback come from in me, or what is the source urging me to give this feedback?
- What is the purpose of me giving feedback?
- What do I want to create with the feedback I’m giving?
- What can I see in myself that the feedback relates to?
From A Primary School Teacher To An Experimenter
by Isabel Amarilis Esterl
Matrix Code JEWELS00.42
My name is Isabel Amarilis Esterl. I am an Experimenter. Write me a message if you are ready to receive an experiment.
Before I declared that I am an Experimenter and had the opportunity to shift, I was a Montessori primary school teacher in Germany. At the very beginning of my career as a teacher I was nonlinear and creative. I was inspired by Maria Montessori’s teaching: Observe and find the next step. The half of the class wanted to do theater for 3 months in another room with me. I was holding space for magical creation so that every child had a voice. The other part of the class was with the second pedagogics in the classroom exploring the material.
If there was a conflict, I passed space holding for theater to a child and met the conflict, emotions and problems in the floor. I had a feelings-tree were the Children point at images that were connected to feelings (for example a picture of an angry looking kid). We went in nature as often as possible.
A part of the parents, teachers and the other pedagogics in my class complained about my style. The sentences were: “The kids don’t learn anything.” “You are ruining their lives.” “I want to take my child out of this class.”
Then I saw how fucked up all the families were. Not giving presence to the child, narcissists forcing children to study after school to be proud, overprotecting the child, etc.. Two children tried to kill themselves during the Covid-Lockdown.
I got depressed...
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Gaian Gameworlds
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELSOF.42
You've probably heard the phrase (from the film Field Of Dreams): "Build it and they will come."
What you might not have heard is: "If you don't build it, nobody even has a chance to come!"
By building a 'Gaian Gameworld' you take a stand for what you have taken a stand for by being born.
Your gameworld is a platform where other people can co-create with you the more beautiful world your hearts know is possible!
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Goin' Sane
by Martina-Riccarda Niklis
Matrix Code JEWELSOF.
It is completely unthinkable that I am crazy. That I laugh for no reason or say something incomprehensible. It is out of the question that I lose control of my facial features in public, that I pick my nose while others look on, that I scream loudly when I’m on the train. I never allow saliva to run down the corner of my mouth and I don’t stare at people. I only touch others if I have asked permission. Sometimes I would like to burp loudly, but I don’t do that.
I control myself. I pull myself together. I try not to look ugly. I’m ashamed if I accidentally fart when others are in the room and might hear it. I fart when I’m alone. Then I fart loudly. It’s normal to fart. When no one is around.
The process we did in the Possibility Lab from Possibility Management is called “Goin’ sane”. It took me a few minutes to really understand Clinton Callahan, and I asked the person sitting next to me, “What’s the process called?” “Goin’ sane,” she replied. “Goin’ sane” is where you hand in your key. You sit on a chair bolted to the floor for 7 minutes. To your left and right are 6 other crazy people. You are strapped to the chair, your hands are fixed to your thighs...
(Related: Box Technology, PM Processes, Possibility Labs)
Matrix Code JEWELS00.44
For much of my life my money experiments included trading, barter, gift exchange, gifts with no exchange, accepting scholarships, bursaries, handouts, accolades, patronage, treasure hunting and finding finding, upcycling, cathartic grief, and impressive minimalism.
Secretly, there was responsible victimhood, resentment, revenge, superiority, comparison, and a lot of pretending.
My more conscious and recent experiments have stemmed from my studying and using Possibility Management to empower:
Emotional Healing Processes, Initiation processes, Radical Honesty, teaming up, conscious anger work, (examples below), and conscious fear work, grief work and the discovery of vast new things about joy, celebration and going first.
It began with conscious anger...
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by Brianne Vaillancourt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.45
The rug is pulled out. I stand on nothing. How can I choose, how can I live? My heart sinks, contracts. My throat tries to close. Tears pour out of my eyes. It’s like falling and falling and falling without ever touching ground. I am terrified because I don’t know.
I don’t know.
I don’t know how to live anymore. I don’t know how to get out of bed other then by obeying to “I have to get out of bed.” I stare at the ceiling and think: “it’s the morning, I should drink water.” That is one of my rules. Is it? I drink water when I’m thirsty. That is also a rule. Am I thirsty?
The world is strange. I can choose anything. I cry as I look at the trees, leaves blowing in the wind, sun shining through. The hem of my shirt is wet with tears against the skin of my chest. Trees, they exist without reason and yet they are so valuable, so amazing. They simply exist.
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Grow Up Or Die... But How?
by Carolyn Baker
Matrix Code JEWELS00.46
A commentary by Carolyn Baker on Clinton Callahan’s book: Directing The Power of Conscious Feelings.
In May 2008 I was approached by psychotherapist, Clinton Callahan, offering me an article entitled “Beware of The Psychopath, My Son” which asserts that people in places of power in the systems of empire are often devoid of conscience and therefore have participated in setting industrial civilization on a self-destructive course that cannot be altered by rational dialog or appeals to altruism within those individuals.
Few who have addressed infantalization have offered a specific path for the journey from it to adulthood. While Callahan has no formula for this, he asserts that the principal rite of passage from emotional immaturity to maturity is the capacity to consciously, constructively work with one’s feelings, directing the power of feelings in service of the entire earth community. In Directing The Power of Conscious Feelings, he validates what most of us have felt all of our lives regarding our feelings in relation to modern culture, namely that none of them are acceptable...
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Healing With Clarity
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.47
Five bodies, four feelings, three worlds, two dramas, and one simple truth, from Possibility Management.
Theories about the cause and healing of disease abound. Without attacking or defending any particular theory you can add dimensions to your healing effectiveness by adding dimensions to your Clarity.
Clarity amplifies a Healer’s ability to provide Clients with additional healing options in their everyday behavior. Having more options means having greater Possibility. Possibility is one of the most powerful healing agents in the world. An introduction to 3 Phase Healing...
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Hidden Hierarchy & Shapeshifter Gameworlds
by Israel Kairós
Matrix Code JEWELS00.48
With the growth of the 'New Age' movement and Spiritual concepts reaching more and more people, an 'enlightened' attitude towards life begins to become desired. A face of the good human who acts 'for the greater good' and who does not carry anything with him that is not conscience.
Yes, we are all consciousness, but this rush to attain that 'conscious human being' position is so great, people try to skip steps to get there. They want to be 'good people' so much that they blind themselves to their own shadows and inconsistencies. They try to act like good humans, instead of really bringing awareness to the unconsciousness they carry.
Then, a theater game begins: whoever pretends to be more conscious wins. Whoever has more knowledge, has read more books and has more arguments is placed on a pedestal. And as much as that person loves the pedestal he’s on, he talks as if there’s no pedestal (because of course a person as conscientious as he/she could not feed hierarchy!).
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How Do You Nourish Your Relationships?
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.49
Today I would like to ask you a straight forward question: How do you nourish your relationship to your partner or the relationship to your close friends or family? Have you ever thought about this consciously? Asking this question might be somewhat dangerous, but at the same time it is worth investigating into it, because if you are not clear about how you can consciously nourish your relationship, it might well happen that your relationships get stuck on the ordinary level with low dramas instead of reaching extraordinary dimensions.
The way of nourishing relationship is manifold, but it is useful to take 3 essential distinctions into consideration:
1. Your relationship is not supposed to provide you with soul food, but with heart food.
2. Relationships do not die from lack of love, but from lack of intimacy.
3. Relationship is an ongoing conscious act of nonlinear creation.
What do these 3 distinctions contain in detail?
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.50
A few years ago I was becoming dissatisfied with sitting in my counselling room, day after day, hour after hour, listening and responding to the problem lives of people. I had been for 25 years after all and I was pretty damn good at it, most of the time. A psychodramatist, a DBT practitioner, even a sex therapist for a time, but I was running out of inspiration and motivation. I had the feeling there was something more but I didn’t know what that could be.
Home was a bit of a grind as well. Intimacy with my partner of 30 + years had reached an all time low and I was dissatisfied with my relationship.
Covid struck and I found myself coming home from work, pouring a glass of wine and watching the 6 oclock news.
Then came a crash. Various factors came together to provide a perfect storm for a break-through which looked and felt like a breakdown at the time.
I pared my practice back to a bare minimum and resumed therapy with a kind and loving psychologist who had trained in EMDR. It was surprising to find that despite all my years of experiential training and supervision, there were major gaps in healing from neglect and sexual abuse all the way back to when I was very young...(Related:,,,
Matrix Code JEWELS00.51
During February of 2020, I was attending a conference and a very old friend was there and we talked briefly. Her clarity of speech, quality of assertive connection and some other signs led me to ask her what was she doing or practicing. She told me she was a Possibilitator and coach of Possibility Management (PM). I did few sessions and both saw in myself a part that wanted more, because I was becoming more alive, and another part that was reluctant of continuing, once I was entering unknown territory of myself (feelings & emotions). Nevertheless, those few session supported me starting to change all aspects of my life. A few months after, by the beginning of 2021, a friend of mine, also a practitioner of PM, intended to stay at my place for a week. Nevertheless, I got COVID during that week and we ended up staying together for almost a month. He took me deeper into PM. Not theoretically but in real life process I was going through, including relationship, fatherhood, professional career and other issues that I was holding within myself. With simple distinctions...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.52
I think and talk and write and coach an awful lot about this thing called ‘purpose.’ My efforts are mostly geared toward clarifying and supporting purpose — my own, my clients’, my friends’.
One thing I’ve noticed is that purpose is often incredibly inconvenient.
In my case, it asks of me things that I would never ask of myself. It requires that I grow in ways that are not always pleasant. It demands that I do things that scare me.
So, I thought it would be useful to have a list of instructions for how to effectively evade purpose. These are some items on my personal list.
- Assume that you do not have a purpose: No destiny, no deeper reason for living, no mission to fulfill, a purpose. This assumption is the first and by far the most important instruction...
How We Sacrifice Our Lives To Our Unconscious Anxiety Of Dying
by Patrizia Patz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.53
Do you know this quote from Norman Cousins ?
„Death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”I would even say that the greatest loss in life are the things, we let die inside us while we live. Is not that a paradox? Our anxiety and fear of dying is so big, that we do not even notice, that we already produce what we fear so much in our lives. We sacrifice our lives on the altar of anxiety and thus become the living dead – zombies – trying not to take any risk. Otherwise, we could really die. But where is the difference between living dead and really dead? Have you asked yourself this question before?
And so we create ourselves a life of mediocrity and with a lot of loopholes. And the system – our current culture – is drawing as much benefit and profit as possible from this fact. A large part of our economy and our social systems are built on this unconscious anxiety. The insurance industry, the bank system, the real estate industry, but also our labor market and the system of dependent work between employer and employee just work on this struggle for survival – to name just a few examples. Living dead people can be just much easier be controlled and manipulated – either by advertising or by politics.
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I Commit To Your Commitment
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.54
On the fifth day of a temporary magic school, it became obvious that the soil in the wizards and sourceresses had been prepared enough for their Dragons to sprout and flame-up the world with a certain kind of poetry. I was one of the Dragon Speakers.
Here what I as my Dragon said:
“I take a stand for each and every one of you, my colleague-trainers, my friends in arms, my villagers. I take a bigger stand for you than you are taking for yourself. I commit to you that you will become what you want to become. I commit that I will give you every distinction you don’t yet have, every tool you forgot to use, every evolutionary process you lack, every exercise or kick-in-the-butt you need to get there. Even if you hate me for it. Even if that path takes you away from me. You have your path, it is unique, it is different from mine. That is not important. I don’t need to understand your path. It is not required that your path fits into my understanding or worldview for me to commit to it. I take that stand to commit to your commitment that the Dragon in you come out and roars!
I take the stand that I am the threadholder for the different villages from which the people of the Trainer Path come. I am a thread that weaves them together. Other people are bringing me the threads that I will weave together.
And most importantly, I take a stand for these stands that I have taken.”There you have it. I commit to your commitment. I commit to your Dragon. And I don’t commit to your bullshit...
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If Changing Your Mind Is Not An Option, Then You Live In A Prison
by Gabriela Fagundes
Matrix Code JEWELS00.55
How many times have you found yourself doing something that no longer made sense? How many times have you stayed or gone to a place just because you 'said' you would be there? How many times have you spent hours, days, weeks or maybe years doing something just because you started doing it? How many times have you continued with a story about yourself or the world that no longer made sense? How many times have you stayed doing work that turns you into a zombie? How many times have you turned your life from water to concrete?
If changing your mind is not an option, then, in fact, you are in a prison. No matter the context, the situation, the person, whatever, you always have within your range of possibilities, the option to give up, to change your mind, to reconsider.
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If You Cannot Say, "No!" Your "Yes" Is A Lie
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.56
‘No’ has been taken out of our vocabulary, same as ‘Stop’. When ‘No’ is taken out of the realm of your possibilities, so is your true authentic committed adult empowered ‘Yes’.
If you cannot say ‘No’ how can you ever trust your ‘Yes’?
Not being able to say ‘No’ is not just leaving out a word in your vocabulary. It is giving up on having enough respect and dignity for what you want and what you do not want in the moment. Not 1 hour later, 1 day later or a year later. Now. And Now. And Now. In each moment.
Re-discovering this instantaneous experiential clarity of ‘No!’, ‘Yes!’, ‘This!’, ‘That!’, ‘Here!’, ‘There’, ‘Now!’ is an exhilarating experience. I am saying this from experience, my personal experience, and the experience of hundreds of people who I have worked with in Rage Club, Fear Club, Expand The Box training, and Possibility Labs:
‘No’ do not touch me.
‘No’ I am not available for being manipulated by your fear.
‘No’ I do not interact with children pretending to be adult.
‘No’ I will not argue with you.
‘No’ I am not dedicating my time, my energy, my attention to this.
‘No’. Simply ‘No’. 'Stop that now!' For no reason. No justifications...(Related:,,,,, and
Intimacy Heals Denial
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.57
If your survival strategy - your 'Box' - has one particular expertise, it is to hold you in denial about what is really going on for you. The Box does not even allow you to detect what you are in denial about.
Conflicts and potentials just sit in you, denied for years, perhaps a whole lifetime. Have you seen others blinded by their Box’s denial mechanisms?
On the one hand, denial hides considerations that might threaten your Box’s original defense strategy, a strategy that has already proven itself to be effective, as evidenced by the fact that you have survived.
On the other hand, perhaps your priorities have changed since you installed the denial mechanism. Perhaps security is not so high on your list anymore.
After some time security’s deception is revealed. You will one day die and no amount of insurance or timidity will prevent it. Perhaps it becomes a more interesting proposition to abandon mere survival in favor of finding what it might be to truly live...
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Is Possibility Management A Cult? I'm glad you asked...
by Michael Cann
Matrix Code JEWELS00.58
Fear has many wonderful purposes to serve in your life, and one of them is to avoid naively giving trust to people and processes that are not trustworthy.
If you feel fear going into an unfamiliar process, that’s a good sign. The same qualities that make a transformational space powerfully good also make it powerfully hazardous.
Numbing or denying your fear would handicap your intuition, and leave you susceptible to manipulation.
Your fear is not a reason to back away from transformational spaces.
It is a reason to get clarity so that you can navigate towards the great possibilities they provide, and away from the rocks.
Some of you might have histories like mine, and might feel very strong fear indeed. So I want to take the time to answer this question as thoughtfully and as honestly as I can.
I’m going to give you two different kinds of answer. The first is a general observation about cults; the second is about possibility management specifically.(Related:,, and
It Doesn't Matter
by Martina-Riccarda Niklis
Matrix Code JEWELS00.59
The Baltic Sea. Magical place. Magical. I get up in the morning because a voice inside me says, “Get up. You are at the Baltic Sea, after all. Now you have breakfast and then you go to the beach.” I obey that voice because it’s right. I am at the Baltic Sea, after all. I have breakfast, get dressed and go to the Baltic Sea. I look at the clock. I have to walk for at least three hours so that the voice is satisfied and I don’t have a guilty conscience. When I talk to friends on the phone, I say things like, “It’s wonderful up here, the sea, the nature. I’m at the Baltic Sea for a few hours every day.” No one questions that. It’s beautiful, of course, and it’s fun to walk along the sea. Any person would enjoy it. I don’t. I complete a program. The program is called “Vacation at the Baltic Sea”. It involves walking along the beach, a few hours a day, consciously listening to the cries of the birds, feeling the wind, and saying things like, “It’s wonderful at the Baltic Sea. It’s a pity that my vacation will soon be over.” However, I don’t feel the fun and joy. At any time. Even though I do everything right. I read good books, eat fish, sleep a lot and walk around on the beach. I complete the whole program. Daily. Every minute. Every second...
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The Journey Of A Next Culture Entrepreneur
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.60
By 2015 I had barreled through five years of Law School in Paris and New York, and worked three months in an American Law Firm in Paris. Then… I left my budding Law career. I left the path that most of my friends were going to follow for the remainder of their professional lives.
At first I thought that entrepreneurship would be a home for me to bring about the changes I wanted to see in the world, but two challenges faced me. The first was education: All that I had been given from kindergarten through graduate school neither brought me closer to who I wanted to be, nor gave me the skills I needed for what I wanted to create. The second was the crippling nature of modern entrepreneurship: It failed to call forth the level of inventivity I needed to roll through challenge after challenge and create something big that doesn’t already exist.
Until a few weeks ago, I thought that E.C.C.O. (Earth Coincidence Control Office) had moved me to another world, taking me far away from both of these challenges, somehow for my own good. I write this article because now, five years later, I realize that I have arrived at exactly the place I was searching for in 2015. I am a Next Culture Entrepreneur...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.61
In this article I will invite you to go deeper into yourself and make you aware of your strategy to manipulate people, groups, projects and organisations for your unconscious purposes. You do that because you were and are an unique and sensitive being. However your parents, larger family, their friends, the schools system and all the systems that held you when you were young were doing their best but unaware of unconscious attacks to your being. For this reason you developed unconsciously survival strategies in order to reach adulthood. And congratulations!!! You survived!!! However, since you were 18 years old, you were wired to let go of the survival strategy and be initiated into the adult, able to identify your essence (role on Earth) as well as of being radical responsible for everything that you cocreate or “happens” in your life.
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Learning To Fly
by Michael Cann
Matrix Code JEWELS00.62
The instructor drew diagram after diagram of the places it was seriously unsafe to go. Don’t go behind the hill, don’t go in front of the cliff, don’t go too close to the cloud, don’t pull the wrong cord, don’t pull the right cord too hard or too soft — or you’re in ‘deep shit’.
I lost track of the number of crucifixes he drew on the whiteboard to represent the places that were potentially fatal to go, and the number of times I heard the sentence “if you do this, you’re fucked’.
When the practical training started, it finally dawned on me that I had signed up to shackle myself to a great big sail that was way stronger than me and that obeyed only the wind and pilots who know what they are doing.
I did not know what I was doing.
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Let Go Of Myth, Step Closer To Reality
by Millicent Haughey
Matrix Code JEWELS01.26
“To believe is to know you believe and to know you believe is to not believe” — Sartre
This quote challenges me to question my assumptions. When lifted like dead bark, I notice that these dead assumptions are simply beliefs of how things should go. Then in peeling them back I notice that their purpose is to keep life’s feathered fingers from brushing me too close, like an old scab they keep my tender skin out of sight from others and, heartbreakingly out of sight from me.
I notice, this scab is built from a childish belief that I will be safe : “As long as we are both telling each other the same story — the truth of the story is less relevant” I tell this to myself, darkly and in doing so a tiny part of me withers like an autumnal leaf, and I feel slightly… less. Cold, drunk on a dying lie —but at least it is shared. In noticing this, I no longer believe it.
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The Magic and Power of Decision
by Patrizia Patz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.63
Do you still spend your life in the corridor of indecision?
Making a conscious decision sometimes is difficult for us. For you too? There are several possibilities right in front of you but you just don’t make it to grab and choose one of them? This can happen with simple decisions, like choosing your dinner from the menu in the restaurant, as well as with ‘seemingly’ important decisions, like choosing the studies or the profession you want to engage yourself in.
The moment before making a decision is exciting and paralyzing at the same time. The longer you wait with your decision, however the more this moment becomes unbearable – except you use the power of repression and increase your numbness bar so that you don’t feel the tension anymore (‘I go and play a session of World of Warcraft or look what’s going on on Facebook’). Then you hope that somehow you get a sign, or somebody else will make the decision for you or that you don’t have to make the decision at all. ‘I don’t have to decide right now. I can decide later!’
The problem is, in this interspace – or better anteroom, like the corridor of your apartment – in this space NOTHING happens! NOTHING at all! It is a space where you put on your shoes, grab your keys and prepare yourself to go to the next space. It is neither comfortable, nor warm, nor is it made to spend a lot of time there. It is a dead space, serving only for transition. Never the less some people made this space their home, they stay there the whole time – in the corridor of indecision or the waiting room of life. They stay there just because NOTHING is happening and so they think nothing can happen to them either.
To not make a decision is like breathing in deeply and then holding your breath. That feels quite good for a moment: all these possibilities right in front of you, wow, you just need to grab them! But you don’t.
And why? Very simple: parting hurts!
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Marriage, Love, Relationship - What Do They Have To Do With Each Other?
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.64
“I met with a man. We were together in intimate spaces that were intense and wonderful without sexuality. This man is married. What possibilities are there for exploring intimacy without destroying much?” wrote a friend to me recently.
First things first.
I thanked her for asking this boldly intimate question. I took her questions to heart. She is far from the only person to be asking such questions.
This woman’s authentic necessity launched a series of considerations in me about what it is we are really talking about.
My first line of thinking was, “What does she mean by ‘without destroying much’? What is at risk of being destroyed here? And what does she feel about it?”
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Men's Culture In Archiarchy - a 3-step checklist
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.65
Every now and then a phrase comes along that strikes sleeping brain cells you didn’t know you had. Startled, the neurons wake up and perceive the electrifying impact with uncanny alertness. How soon your brain cells go back to sleep again depends on how ready you are to jump fully-committed into that new-found alertness and ride it like a bucking bronco.
If you ignore the bronco it soon gallops off into the sunset without you, perhaps never to return. But if you do grab the opportunity this new meme may take you along an awareness-path into entirely new territory, unexplored, and probably dangerous to your heretofore unquestioned assumptions.
It is these unquestioned assumptions that rule your life. Questioning them almost always leads to personal and cultural evolution. A particular phrase shocks you exactly because it directly challenges your sacred assumptions.
The particular phrase we are speaking of is men’s culture in Archiarchy...
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Money Or Your Life? That Is The Question!
by Patrizia Patz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.66
When you live your calling, work and life are no longer separated.
Imagine yourself going through an unlit street in a city at night. Suddenly an armed man peels from a dark corner, blocking your way. He threatens you: “Money or your life!” What would you choose? Would you give up your life to keep your money? I dare say that you would choose life, because everything else would make absolutely no sense.
The question is, however: Why then are you doing exactly the opposite concerning work – giving your life away to get the money?
I am aware that this is an assumption that might not apply to you. Yet it is probably true for the majority of the population in western society. An answer to the question might be that we usually do not realize that we give our lives away for money or safety. Simply because it is part of the context, we live in. It is normal. We have internalized this either-or-story so much, that we believe it to be true.
In this story, work and life are separated. Probably you know the saying “Do you work to live or do you live to work?” The second option is clearly considered as negative in our modern culture. And we do not even notice that if we seek the first option, we automatically make three basic assumptions limiting our lives enormously...
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My Mother's Deathbed: an initiation
by Ingrid Schmithhüsen
Matrix Code JEWELS00.67
Forty four hours before my mother passes away, I arrive at the hospital. I find her strong, radiant, serene and ready. I am surprised to notice that my Gremlin feels deceived. He captures, in a fraction of a second, that he can neither play the hero, nor be the messenger of wisdom and calm. His imagined scenarios won’t be possible. He is angry about that. I notice my Gremlin’s anger several times that day as unease, restlessness and lack of focus in my mental and physical body. Each time, I raise my conscious anger to keep the leash very short, saying firmly, “Sit!”
During the night watch with two of my siblings, my Gremlin can’t stand the silence and tries to make conversation. This surprises me because I carry a self-image of being comfortable with silence. Again, I keep saying, “Sit!” several times. He continues by judging the situation as useless and a waste of time because of my mother’s agony. I raise my anger to reframe him strictly.
By the time my other siblings replace us in the morning, my Gremlin has already created a story that my mother’s state will continue. So he is really surprised when my brother calls three hours later to tell us that my mother has crossed the threshold. My Gremlin is disappointed because he hoped to be decorated as the preferred and closest to my mother and this meant for him that she would die in my presence...
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New Rules Do Not Create a New Context
by Nicola Neumann-Mangoldt
Matrix Code JEWELS00.68
In the last New Work article „Culture Eats Structure For Breakfast“ the idea was introduced that a new company culture arises from a new context. A misunderstanding that can apparently easily pop up is that a new context is about new rules and regulations the employees have to stick to so that New Work approach can be well established. However, the opposite is the case. By implementing rules and regulations a New Work context in a company will die rather soon. To repeat one essential statement of the last article: The context determines what is possible.
This means that – in order to create new results - it is essential to shift into a new context, which is no longer based on the usual behavior, the usual perspectives and the known conditions. The usual behavior includes rigid rules.(Related:,, and
Not Good Enough
by Gabriel Millinger
Matrix Code JEWELS00.69
This is a story about not being good enough.
Basically, for my whole life, I was convinced that I am not good enough. I told myself the story that I am the problem, that I am the one that needs to change. After fights, I was always searching for what is wrong with me. I was lost because whatever I did, others would attack me for it. Whenever they approved of my doing, I would just forget it because it didn’t fit my worldview. In my relationships, I learned to be the one that apologizes first, since I just knew that it is me that fucked it up. It was me that did wrong so I needed to make it right again. At most things I wanted to learn, I found proof of not being good enough, of not learning fast enough.
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On Being A Professional
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.70
I used to be a professional swimmer and became a French champion.
I swam for almost 10 years until I was 17 years old. During the last 5 years, I swam twice a day, 6 days a week, three times a day during the school holidays, and swam in competitions on the weekends. In total I swam an estimated 20,000 kilometers.
That is what it takes to be a professional swimmer.
You want to be a professional lover?
You want to be a professional parent?
You want to be a professional relationship creator?
You want to be a professional gameworld builder?
You want to be a professional trainer?
You want to be a professional guardian?Are you training 4 to 6 hours a day, every day to become one?
We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that we were born professional in being a human being. We are born with temporary amnesia of how to be one: how to create authentic human relationships, how to be authentically ourselves and be connected with Earth.
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On Cults and Other Things That Go Bump In The Night
by Millicent Haughey
Matrix Code JEWELS00.71
I may have unwittingly become entangled in a cult.
This is an interesting place to be, because, true or not, I kind of like it.
I like the idea that I am being on an edge, allowing myself to fall into the kind of things I have been warned to never go near. It’s like the flush of first romance, the thrill of the fall. Maybe this does not mean I pack my bags and get the hell out. The adventurous soul in me, says stay awhile. Experience it, see what I can learn.
It began when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, hearing the language used in a meeting where I was a participant. Words such as 'Gremlin', 'Box', 'Low/High drama', being in the 'swamp'. I thought “Whoa hang on, what the fuck?” I discovered there were a lot of other groups I could participate in, courses, trainings I could join and I did join. The free fall had only just begun...
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On Falling Into The Unknown
by Dan Palmer - d. 2022
Matrix Code JEWELS00.72
As part of a training experience I am participating in, we have been practicing sourcing our speaking from the unknown.
Here I am practicing writing from the unknown. I start this sentence not knowing how it will unfold from this moment. My intent is to relax the grip of my mind and its tendency to plan each word in advance. This is not happening right now I am simply writing each word as it arises in front of me.
This is so hard at first given how deep the rut of mentally planning every move is in my inner landscape. Where I am so passionate about shifting this pattern because I am all about processes of creation that live and life does not plan in advance – what happens is a perfect expression and resolution of all the forces at play right now, right here, no imposition or hijacking by mental images is required...
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One Year Of Deep Transformation
by Jorge PedretMatrix Code JEWELS00.73
About 1 year ago I started over.
After having a major collapse in my relational spaces with my partners and my people I was relating with. Hitting rock bottom with projects, dreams, aspirations, being in the muck, manifesting big messes, unfulfilling promises, breaking of my word, dropping the ball on my creations, heavy addiction to cannabis and tobacco, etc.
“Nothing changes until it hurts”. The pain of numbing myself, to what was happening, to my feelings, to my life’s experience, became visible and tangible. I might still be hating the world, blaming the world for being so horrible and unfair, I might still be blaming my partner for not being what I expected her to be, I might still be blaming the government, or the grid, or the Illuminati for their agenda of domination, I might still be blaming myself for not being strong enough, smart enough, fast enough, not enough. I might still be doing these things if it wasn’t for the distinctions I gained in, like Radical Responsibility, the mechanics of Low Drama, the unconscious purpose of my victim story, and the distinction of Gameworlds.
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Only The Big Dipper
by Martina-Riccarda Niklis
Matrix Code JEWELS00.74
For two months I have been living on a small island in the North Sea. It has not been so easy to find an apartment here, but I was very lucky: the house in which I live is surrounded by very large pastures and open spaces where cows and horses graze. In all directions it is several hundred meters to the next house and I have wonderful wide views from all windows. I can watch rabbits, pheasants, ducks, herons, very large pigeons, birds whose names I don’t know and a muskrat. There are no lanterns around, so it is very dark at night and very quiet. Very quiet... quiet enough to hear what I am worrying about...
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The Pain Of Change vs. The Painful Comforts Of Home
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.75
Home pain drains your life force to the degree that you are left with little to no vitality for leaving home.
A certain amount of activation energy is required to recognize that something completely different from home is possible right now. A candle wick will not start on fire until it is close enough to a burning match. The unlit candle stands for eternity alone in the dark. Until that surprising moment, you might have not even considered that you could have had a choice to leave home.
It can be that even as you are faced with choosing between the painful experience of home and the painful awareness that something else is possible, home wins. It wins because it is known. Whereas you don’t know how the transformational pain goes. You fearfully imagine that it will be bigger.
Therefore you will not change until the pain of not fulfilling your desire for something different becomes greater than the ordinary pain of home.
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Parenting As An Uninitiated Parent is Hell
by Nicole Headley Bradford
Matrix Code JEWELS00.76
While I celebrate the many profound and magical experiences inherent to watching human life emerge, I take a stand for accuracy about how parenting goes in Modern Culture. I take a futher stand for how it can go — in Next Culture.
I am aware that most of my readers are not mainstream. Still, even on the edges of Modern Culture, deeply set patriarchal and capitalist ways of doing things are happening, and children (and other-than-human children — but that is another article) are bearing the brunt.
I came to recognize this the hard way.
I was not an Authentic Adult when I became a mother - (I would have argued this)- at 21. Nor was I when I had my 2nd child at 25, and not when I had my two youngest in my early and late 30’s.
I finally — devastatingly started breaking out of pretending that it was all okay, that I was handling it — in my early 40’s. My kids were 4–20 years old. I could no longer keep from being real about the pain of watching them become at least as numb and desperate as I could finally start to admit I was. I could no longer pretend that I didn’t feel massive pain about how things were going on Earth, because of Modern Culture’s ways.
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.77
I ask, “Are any of these old decisions still influencing your life today?” The answer is obvious to everyone, but in this work it is necessary that he puts the puzzle pieces together himself. “Yes,” he says. “I avoid to get married… I refuse to have children… My business is not working…”
“Would you like to make any new decisions?”
This is the pivotal moment. He is the only one who can make this choice. It is completely fine if he answers, “No.” The magic is that until this moment he did not have the option of making any new decisions because he did not remember making the old decisions. Even after fading from memory, decisions remain in our energetic body and actively define what is and what is-not possible for us during our whole life...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.78
Did you ever deal with children arguing over a toy? What children do pretty quickly when they don’t get what they want, is turn to the next available authority in the room: their mum, their dad, the kindergarten teacher. Then arguments follow arguments on why they had the toy first, on why the other shouldn’t have it, on how they deserve to have it. It’s amazing how early they pick up on the necessity to come up with a clever argument. They get really creative and throw in a tantrum, tears, and they might even start hitting each other.
It is not an empowering situation. None of these children really learns to take responsibility. They learn to turn to an authority for final judgment.
These children eventually age, and even when they’re officially considered “adults”, the pattern continues. They keep battling over that which is precious to them. That is what ends up in court. The judge becomes the authority to determine who’s right, and every country has an elaborate system in place to lay down the rules of this game.
Do you see the parallel? In the current societal systems worldwide, children in grown up bodies keep fighting over their toys, and the majority of them didn’t learn how to create a more sustainable, empowering way of dealing with each other. Early on, people learn to give away their authority, and they continue to do so until their last breath...(Related:,,,,,,, and
Matrix Code JEWELS00.79
One thing that we human beings have in common is our anger. Whether we are disconnected from it or have 'too much' of it, our incapacity to consciously and constructively handle this life force seems to be a collective issue.
Taking your own anger seriously is not only an act of self-respect, it is also political. Accepting your anger as part of you, and learning to give it its rightful place, is a big part of becoming radically self-responsible. To give space to what consciously arises in you allows you to potentialize its information and energy so that you can redirect it constructively into creativity, inspiration and transformation.
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Preparing Yourself
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.80
The thoughtmaps you have adopted determine how reality works for you.
A thoughtmap is what you use to think with. I am asking you now to think about what you are thinking with.
School gave us tons of facts and formulas to think about. That is the content of your thinking.
What I am talking about is the context of your thinking.
This would be like considering changing the rules of the game rather than blindly playing the only game you were taught.
Well-being in a rapidly changing world involves the capacity to evolve the context of your thinking. How does one do this?
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Raging: from separation to connection
by Eva Daubert
Matrix Code JEWELS00.81
I was angry a lot as a kid. Very angry. At that time, I expressed my outrage with great strength, force and perseverance. The memory of it is still lives vividly inside of me. As well as the conclusion I made from these experiences: Anger separates. Being angry takes the people I love away from me.
Speechless from suppressing my Anger
When I was in my early twenties, I found myself in the relationship with the later father of my son in a speechlessness that surprised me. I had no words for what was “going on” with me. There was just inner perplexity and the feeling of being numb or empty. I couldn’t say what I want. I had no experience that what I want in my innermost being, my strength, my wildest aliveness, could be in contact with another person. Without inevitably creating separation.
Sacrificing Authenticity
I’m holding a photo of a six-year-old girl who used to be me. She looks mischievous — and I can see a subtle effort around her mouth. Every time I saw this picture hanging on the wall in my parents or my grandmothers house, I felt a diffuse unease deep in my belly. Now, 40 years later, I can feel the fear, anger and sadness buried under the numbness, and thus get in touch with the root of this discomfort. The anxiety came from the memory of betraying myself...
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Ready Player One
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.82
You are Player One. This game starts here with you, your perceptions, ideas, feelings, desires, decisions, the options you see to choose from, your skills at implementing and improvising. We start in three, two, one…
But wait! This is your everyday life! You are already frantically doing now everything you can think of that is best for you. How is it working out so far? The question is, what are you unable to think of that could drastically improve your life and the world?
Let us agree that you are now at the beginning of a new game. In this game you get to start over again and again, without penalty, as often as you want, trying out new actions.
And we add in one mysterious factor: anamnesia...(Related:,, and
Reclaim Your Authority
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.83
Here you will find an assemblage of more than a dozen of articles written by the most courageous people I’ve encountered, people who are ready to break any rule (especially their own!) to take back their Authority.
Warning: INTENSE! These articles were written during a Rage Club. They hold the specific energy of the Bright Principle of Clarity. Not an intellectual clarity, a 5-body Clarity. Here we go:
"I take back my authority to be happy. I may laugh at every joke and at everything I find funny, even if others do not find the joke funny. I can laugh at something as long as I want to! I decide myself and spontaneously and alone what I want to laugh about. I take back my authority to laugh with open mouth and very loud. I take back my authority to go away whenever I want. I don’t have to stay and listen to any more bullshit. From now on I’m going to get up immediately and say that my ears are listening to bullshit and I’m going to leave the room whenever I want to. I don’t have to stay anymore. I take back my authority not to stay for anything! I DON’T HAVE TO FUCKING ENDURE ANYTHING!! I take back my authority to say STOP right now or leave right now. I don’t have to explain..."
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Running Through The Patriarchy Wall
by Dor Sharabi
Matrix Code JEWELS00.84
Running through the Patriarchy Wall, and leaving a hole in the form of my old shape.
As a man in the Patriarchy, we are trained to blindly chase after the things that are true beings, don’t really need. We are Like Warhorses, storming down the hill, Eyes covered, and we are about to meet the sword.
How do you train a horse? You break its spirit.
How do you train a Warhorse? You break his spirit and train him to be numb to death.
This is an article for those of us that haven’t gotten fully dead yet.
It started with sadness. I watched my friends doing something wrong, something bad, something that my delicate child spirit couldn’t really ignore, but I decided to ignore it. I decided to look the other way, and be part of the group, otherwise, who will I play with? Who would accept me? Who would love me? for A small child, the group of friends is the whole world.
It might be anything that we did at that time, as boys do (and even girls), we break each other's spirit with a silent agreement...
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Scientists Take Action If They Trust Their Own Evidence
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.85
I have lately been thinking that we are coming down to the go/no-go moment in terms of preventing the Siberian methane tipping point from avalanching into unstoppable global warming. I think it is time for scientists around the world who trust their own global warming evidence to withdraw from the system that propagates the global warming.
Withdrawal from the system would be neither symbolic nor philosophical. Withdrawal would be sudden, total and drastic.
This would require great personal efforts on the part of the scientists, our families, teams, companies and organizations. But if withdrawal could critically disable the carbon economy, its earlier collapse would avoid even greater suffering from flood, draught and worldwide famine.
Abandoning modern culture proactively as a result of trusting scientific evidence would prove that human intelligence exists. To continue a carbon-hungry consumer lifestyle in the face of recent climate-change knowledge makes us no more intelligent than bacteria, consuming beyond the carrying capacity of their resources and dying in their own wastes.
Withdrawal is simple and already proven to be effective. It is nonviolent noncooperation with whatever is nonregenerative...
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Seven Days of F(un)acing ME
by Christine Ploschenz
Matrix Code JEWELS00.86
Nobody is ever ready to go through an Emotional Healing Intensive but it can help to remember that life does not happen when you are ready for it. Here is the legend about doing EHI (Emotional Healing Intensive).
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Shaping Transformative Cultures
by Julyan Davey
Matrix Code JEWELS00.87
I am on a quest to discover group cultures that could allow humans to live in harmony with life.
In the past few months, I have developed an idea called Transformative Cultures that I want to share today.
Sharing it excites me so much because I have growing confidence that this is the work that I was put on planet earth to undertake.
But first, what are cultures and why are they important?
We like to think of ourselves as free agents, making rational choices about how we want to live.
But actually, many of our behaviors and the things we think are important are simply inherited from the norms and patterns of our time: that we call culture.
But actually, many of our behaviors and the things we think are important are simply inherited from the norms and patterns of our time: that we call culture.
I call our particular culture the culture of control. It’s primarily motivated by a fear of change and works to prevent it by limiting many of the instincts that make us alive and human.
For example, it works to prevent us moving beyond our outdated economic model of organizing society by encouraging us to spend our lives in bullshit jobs and on Netflix and social media rather than pursuing our dreams and actively working towards the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
When we do come together in social movements to try and change things, we bring with us many of the culture of control’s assumptions and behaviors. This leads us to recreate its toxic patterns within our movements.
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Slaying The Jabberwock
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.88
#OCCUPY is not a legal conflict. It is political insurgency.
The bad news is: as the ruling system tries to suppress the insurgency it engages in low-intensity warfare. In other words, we are already at war. The good news is: states don’t know how to win this war. “No state has ever defeated an indigenous insurgency.” — Jerry Boyle
The Jabberwock is a loose affiliation of psychopathic personalities using single-mind intelligence passing orders down through their hierarchies.
In comparison, #OCCUPY is open-source (leaderless), and uses many-mind (swarm) intelligence, which is nonlinear and which tends to generate an abundance of parallel (unpredictable/uncontrollable) actions. Therefore, if #OCCUPY persists, then the Jabberwock has no chance!
Persistence is enhanced through intelligent understanding of #OCCUPY strategies and technologies, thus, this mini-handbook...
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Something Completely Different From This Is Possible Right Now
by Anne-Chloé DestremauMatrix Code JEWELS00.89
I keep rewinding to find the question that would come before the last one: Do these people even realize that it is possible for them to choose to provide something other than asphalt roads for their children to play upon? The answer seems obvious, but maybe it is not obvious. The answer is: No, they don’t know that they have a choice.
Modern culture renders the possibility of something happening that is completely different right now both nonexistent and ridiculous. Nonexistent because modern culture teaches you to give your authority away to unknown and unnamed powers. Ridiculous because modern culture educates you to believe that modern culture is the highest authority on the best thing for human beings to invent. Why on Earth would you want something completely different from what modern culture is providing right now?
The ridiculousness of wanting something completely different has turned into a bitter joke at the end of dinner parties where, to conclude a heated conversation about what is wrong in the world, someone throws their hands in the air and with a wry laugh and says, “What can we do about it anyway?” while knocking back another glass of wine...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.90
As long as you are not aware of what you are really capable of, you are not really capable of anything!
Doing my coaching work I meet a lot of people, who have no idea at all what they are really capable of. Perhaps you think now that I am talking about talents and qualities. Yes, it is also true that often time people don’t know about their talents and qualities, because they are educated to be modest and not to be a poser. In addition our education system makes it difficult or even impossible for us to find out, what special talents we are gifted with. But I’m talking about something completely different, when I ask you, if you are aware of what you are really capable of. The thing I am talking about is at least as crucial for living your destiny as your talents are. I’m talking about your underworld – your shadow parts!
And with shadow parts I also do not mean the little weaknesses we normally talk about in job interviews. Your underworld is about the dark, normally unconscious and irresponsible parts of your personality, undermining your life as long as you have no consciousness about them. As long as you are not aware about what you are really capable of – and I mean this in the worst sense of the word – you are either a walking time bomb or nothing else than a dud with no impact. As long as you do not possess your underworld, your life will either have no effect at all or even worse, it will have an effect which you do not like (see #4 of my article: “8 factors that keep us from leading a purpose driven life”).
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S.T.O.P._I.T. — Stop Beating Yourself Up!
by Lisa Ommert
Matrix Code JEWELS00.91
You are hard on yourself? You question yourself often and end up in self-judgment? You blame yourself for not being good enough and making mistakes all the time? You are home in the behavior of beating yourself up?
Beating yourself up is a survival strategy, by making yourself small.
You are judging yourself and think you should be better, even if you just began something you are interested in. Just imagine you decided to run a Marathon. You start training and soon you compare yourself to others. The judging voices start, you feel bad about it and train even more doggedly. How bizarre is that? You manipulate yourself to continue because you are not good enough yet and totally forget why you even started training to be a Marathon runner — because you love running!
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Things I Have Learned About Anger
by Kian Nasir
Matrix Code JEWELS00.92
My earliest memories about anger go back to when I was around 4 years old. My mother and my father are fighting with each other. I do not understand why they hurt each other with words. I want them to stop. Why do people fight like this? Shortly after, they separate.
The next thing a little later, my 12 years older brother is not feeling well. I come into the room and want to play with him. He gets angry and hits me with a guitar. I do not understand. My home is not safe.
Then later, I am 12 to 14 now. My ex-alcoholic, war traumatized grandfather is getting dementia. He was never really a pleasant person to be with for me, but now he starts to shout at the people at the Christmas table. He creates an atmosphere of horror. If I speak up I am in danger of being attacked. Again I do not understand. Why is he doing that? Why is no one stopping him? I just swallow this atmosphere down. I swallow my hate. It is like this every year now. At every family gathering there is shouting, threatening. When the other family members fight they collapse inwards out of fear and go nuts or shout at each other in similar ways.
One part of me rejoices in that drama, in the intensity of it. One part becomes more and more numb and isolates myself from my family.
Inside me one part of me started hating many of my family members. I did not want to have anything to do with them. These people are crazy. Hurting the close ones they are supposed to love the most.
The picture of anger I got through all of that is. Anger is bad. It is totally destructive, it poisons the atmosphere. It hurts other people. It is insane. It creates disconnection. I will hate you and not take you seriously if you are angry. And I, I will never be like this. I will never let my anger out like they do.
But I did...
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Towards A Metamodern Spirituality
by Julyan Davey
Matrix Code JEWELS00.93
Metamodernism is the cultural phase and worldview that comes after postmodernism.
Modernism was the optimistic child of the enlightenment. It believed in our ability to understand an objective reality through science and thus make progress. This worldview still exists in academics like Steven Pinker who argue that we must double down on our enlightenment values in order to carry on driving humanity forward.
Postmodernism came along like your friend who knows everything and critiqued this progress. Didn’t modernism realise the damage it was doing to people and planet in search of economic growth? Just look at the inequality, loneliness, neocolonialism and ecological turmoil all around us. Surely you can see the complete bankruptcy of the modernist worldview! The postmodernist superpower is to critique and deconstruct the world we live in. But in order to go beyond postmodernism’s critiques, we need a new cultural phase and worldview to allow us begin to imagine a new, better world.
Enter Metamodernism.
Metamodernism is the cultural phase and worldview that can help us tackle what Tomas Björkman has called the meta-crisis. This is the spiritual, cultural and philosophical crisis that lies behind the more obvious calamities of today’s world — like the climate and ecological emergency or the failings of liberal democracy...
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Upgrading Thoughtware On Your Way To Archiarchy
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.94
This is a guide to valuable thoughtware upgrades on your way to next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that naturally emerges after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course. Archiarchy is the culture of archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men.
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware drives the cultures which are exterminating life on Earth.
Upgrading your thoughtware empowers you to create and inhabit Gaia-regenerating cultures, accomplishing very new results...
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Using Your Anger To Do The Next Thing
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.95
Did you ever wake up with an impression that this is going to be ‘one of those days’?
The alarm didn’t go off. Your important meeting starts in fifteen minutes so you are already late. There is no time for coffee and you don’t have anything to wear. Your hair is a mess and you don’t have time to take a shower and anyway your shower broke down yesterday. The plumber said there is no hot water for a week…
A wild guess is that we’ve all had days like this.
I did, recently. That day, nothing was working my way. After a few hours of growing rage, I called up a friend. Weirdly enough, he was experiencing the same situation! After a solid fifteen minutes of serious complaining on both side, I asked him “What do you do with the anger when nothing seems to be working?”. He said: “I use my anger to do the next thing”.
What a wild idea! How do I do that? I always thought anger was the problem, not the solution to the problem! In modern culture, we were never educated to use our anger ‘to do the next thing’. Why not, I wondered? Then I realized, we never had class about anger, or any other feeling, for that matter. What are we taught in modern culture about anger? That anger is a bad feeling, that anger is a negative feelings.
But now, I am told that I can use my anger to do the next thing. So I tried it and I couldn’t do it. Why not? Because anger is definitely not polite. What would stop you from using your anger to do the next thing? Maybe for you, “anger is…”
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We Need To Shout Out - a song
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS00.96
Lyrics to sing to the melody of ‘You Need To Calm Down’ by Taylor Swift:
We are somebody that we don’t know
And we’re chopping tree, like it’s for free
And I’m just like, damn, are we insane?
Bombing the middle east, that’s a knockout
Blame it on the risks, that’s a cop-out
And I won’t just like, no, let that go down...
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We Seem To Have Forgotten
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS00.97
How do you sleep at night knowing that you sell your child’s future for a phantom currency? What if you turned heretic against the religion of Profit, and redirected your business so your children could regain some hope?
Responsibility is applied consciousness. What you do indicates your awareness.
Thinking that it is reasonable to weigh the well-being of Earth against corporate profits reveals the height of our psychopathic insanity. What value is profit if the planet has been sterilized of complex life forms by climate change?
Yet, directors in both large and small companies, as well as leaders at all levels of government assume they make that choice daily.
And which choice do the vast majority of corporate and governmental leaders favor? Planet or profit? You don’t have to look far to find that answer...
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Weaving A Non-Dual Civilization - Part 1: Chasing Shadows
by Julyan Davey
Matrix Code JEWELS00.98
We live in uncertain times. The very survival of humanity hangs by a thread.
In this series, I will explore the question: What is it going to take to shift humanity away from the precipice?
I will give my account of the biggest and most important transition in human history.
In Part 1: Chasing Shadows, I will explore the situation we find ourselves in and present a model that attempts to answer the question of why our civilization seems committed to destroying all life on Earth.
In Part 2: Unveiling the Light, I will explore what a transition to what I call a life-harmonious, non-dual civilization could look like.
In Part 3: Returning to Life, I will share my narrative of humanity returning to life, that I think nicely captures this evolutionary metamorphosis.
How should we think about and respond to the potential collapse of our civilization?
This is the ultimate question of our time.
But of course, in answering it, we can’t help but try to use the same old master’s tools, the same old approach, that got us into this mess in the first place.
In our modern culture, when there’s something we don’t like, we quickly brandish it a problem, try to pin it down and fix what’s causing it before more things go wrong.
This is how many people have ended up trying to respond to the ultimate clusterfuck of our time: that we are killing life all around us and most probably we’re going down with it.
They try to pin down the root cause of our problems to a particular area of life. Some say the problem lies in our lack of real democracy or in the dominance of corporate greed or our polluting technology. Others, level the blame at our metaphysical, cultural and philosophical ‘stories’ or beliefs. Others still, point the finger at our lack of spiritual development. I could go on, almost, ad infinitum.
Everyone has their pet issue to point a finger at as the ‘real’ problem, while they smile and congratulate themselves on being the only ones ‘advanced enough’ to realize it.
What I myself have realized! is that the problem of our civilization, or what some have called the ‘meta-crisis’, cannot be pinned down to one aspect of our lives. Instead, it can be seen everywhere we look, within ourselves, in our outward behaviors, in everyone around us and their behaviors, as well as in all of the institutions, systems and culture that make up our society.
In fact, the very attempt to pin it down is one of its many manifestations...
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Matrix Code JEWELS00.99
This is part 2 of a 3 part series, exploring the emergence of a non-dual civilisation.
In part 1, we explored the dominance of Shadow in our culture and the patterns that are leading to the devastation of life on Earth.
Today, we will investigate how groups of people could come together and step into a harmonious relationship with Life once more.
This would begin building what I call a Non-Dual Civilisation.
It’s non-dual because it’s a human community that is based upon the deepest wisdom of our spiritual, ecological and mystical traditions and brings it into all areas of life, so that humanity can be a positive force on Planet Earth once more.
It’s a civilisation because we cannot, as some claim, go backwards to a prehistoric, tribal world without technology or agriculture. To respond to the crises of our times, we need governance at a global level. The only path forwards is to properly integrate the advances of humanity into a global, democratic civilisation.
Let’s get back to Tim.
Back to Tim
Tim’s in the gym trying to get ‘#swoleforthesummer’ to feed his insatiable desire to fill the inadequacy of his present moment experience.
Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a flyer on the gym wall.
“Join our Transformative Group and find your life purpose!” it reads.
A part of Tim that has been asleep for many years wakes up and rushes to get in touch with the group.
A few weeks later Tim goes along to an introductory meeting.
Transformative Groups
The group Tim has signed up for, has been working for some time to build what I call a Transformative Culture.
This is a group dedicated to supporting its members to come into right relationship with themselves, each other and Life itself. To individually and collectively return to the flowing river of Life: a wellspring of creativity and Evolution.
To achieve this, they hold themselves to what I call The Shadow Veils the Light Principle. This means that when Shadow shows up in its many forms like suffering, judgement, addiction, pain, conflict and death, the group works to hold it up to the light of awareness, to find the gift within it, and thus transform it into the Light.
It is the Shadow unseen that blocks the flow of Life in ourselves, our relationships and the human race as a whole.
By unveiling the Light, we can become expressions of Love in the world rather than being stuck in unconscious survival patterns that only hurt ourselves and those around us.
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Weaving A Non-Dual Civilization - Part 3: Returning To Life
by Julyan Davey
Matrix Code JEWELS01.00
How many of us in our Modern Culture are truly living?
Look around you — Not many.
Most of us spend our time numbing ourselves to Life.
We live from our psychological survival strategies which carry out the automatic, unconscious patterns and behaviors that kept us safe in our childhoods. These strategies are dead trauma tapes — they play the same way they always have —meaning nothing ever changes.
We live inside the norms, values and assumptions of our culture, leading most of us to simply follow the career, relationship and life paths laid out before us, rather than following what is real and meaningful to us in each moment.
We are stuck in these prisons but they are not really who we are.
In reality, ‘we’, are a dynamic flow of aliveness and creativity just waiting to stream into the world. We are a part of the cosmic dance of Life and Evolution, on its quest to produce more Life.
I call living from this aliveness 'flowing in the river of Life'. In Possibility Management, it’s the journey to live in the liquid state, where you choose to stop relying on your default mechanical, automatic responses and instead choose to fly in the groundlessness of Being. Here, there is nothing to hold onto, so all you can do is consciously create afresh, in each and every moment.
Instead of jumping into this maelstrom of Life, most of us sit on the sidelines wishing things were different.
It is a slow but brilliant journey to return to the aliveness within us.
For me, it has felt like coming alive again — And I know that I have a long way to go...
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What Else Is Possible In A Circle Of Women?
by Eva Daubert
Matrix Code JEWELS01.01
Being in a circle with other women scares me. This has not kept me going there. I find it nourishing and necessary to create spaces for women’s culture. And my fear has been revealing to me more and more, how I can contribute to shift these spaces from ordinary into extraordinary spaces for healing and collaboration among women. Here I will take you with me, if you like, on a journey down to that place, where unconsciousness in action starts to become consciousness in action or more simply: it becomes a possibility to choose more Responsibility.
Before I knew how that goes, I would just shut down and leave if I found myself in spaces among women that were not working for me. Like when I visited a local group for mums with babies with my son, when he was a few weeks old. As a mother of a small baby, I was desperate to get out and connect. But it soon turned out that the purpose of coming together was not, as I assumed, to collaborate, experience community, have supportive exchanges and give the children the opportunity to play with each other. Instead, in the first meeting it became obvious to me that the actual purpose of this ‘women’s circle’ was to gossip and complain about the fathers of the children...
What I Missed By Going To School - and what I'm doing about it now
by Millicent Haughey
Matrix Code JEWELS01.02
School did not teach me to feel before speaking my truth. Here I will try something new and start with feeling: I feel angry.
I feel angry that I carry the scars of an education system that celebrated my ability to conform. I feel angry that my tender blooming years were treated as consent to inoculate me with dogmatic institutionalization and a quiet, insidious bending to the maintenance of hierarchy and thus the status quo. A fantasticall
y outdated status quo. (Need I mention the systematic destruction of life of many levels, that this status quo perpetuates?)
I am angry that whilst at school, huge environmental and social issues were (and are) rapidly deteriorating the ecosystems we, as humans, shape and are shaped by. Against this backdrop, the system of education I went through, maintained the brilliant idea to keep me sitting, obediently, still. Kept me reciting old curriculum, weakening my sense of autonomy, self-agency and never once pausing to enquire: "Are you ok with this?"
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What If 'Changing Your Mind' Requires More Than Your Mind
by Christine Dürschner
Matrix Code JEWELS01.03
Using anger to level up your clarity, focus, and determination.
Everybody has things they want to change, either about themselves or about the world or both. Yet so few people actually do successfully make changes. Why is that?
I invite you to think about a moment in life when you decided to change one behaviour. We all know this mental chess game at the beginning of the year. We tried it all once I guess. You said probably to yourself “From today on, I will not do this or that again, I will do xyz instead.”
Do you remember? Ok, what happened next? Probably you kept this promise to yourself for a while, 1 or 2 weeks, maybe longer and then shifted back to the old behaviour. Like a yoyo effect. Right?
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What If Jumping Into The Unknown Means Falling Apart?
By Christine Durschner
Matrix Code JEWELS01.04
Some time ago I heard the sentence: "Sometimes the next step is not a step but a jump into the unknown!"
I am in a Liquidstate.
A Liquidstate is the space within which Transformation happens. Where the old shape implodes or explodes and gets into chaos. The wanted and necessary chaos so letting go of the shore is possible. Letting go of holding tight to the known.
The known, which kept me safe and blind in familiar territory, the strategy which I chose to survive in life these many years. To be safe. It keeps me from feeling the pain. The fear of being punished being alive, being bold and dangerous for people, by not getting the attention and love I wanted and needed. I feel huge screaming sadness, that I left parts of my being, behind in my vaster unniverse, hiding behind walls and walls of pretending that everything is ok...
Matrix Code JEWELS01.05
SPOILER: There is, it’s free, and almost no one knows about it.
The Journey is on!
If you’ve spent any significant time exploring the world of personal development and transformation, you may have arrived at a similar conclusion as I have:
While it’s fun work to do solo, it’s a lot more enjoyable (and rewarding and effective and rapid and life-giving) to do it with a team. This is true for a number of reasons. First, having a team means you get the insights and experience of group intelligence. You aren’t just stuck smacking into the walls of your own private transformational echo chamber.
Beyond this, when you’re on a team, transformational work stops being just about you and becomes about something bigger. Namely, it starts being about the team. I commit to the other teammates’ empowerment and transformation as much as (or more than) they commit to mine, because the team spaceship only flies when everybody is thriving...(Related:,,,,, and
What If You Are Not An Activist? Then What?
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS01.06
Nobody can be subversive for you. Nobody can figure out for you what you want to create to change the world. Nobody can bring together your group of people.
However … nobody can stop you from doing any of that either.
- Subversiveness does not only have to be public. Being subversive can start in the privacy of your own living room.
- Subversiveness does not need to start with clever answers. Being subversive can start with the unreasonable drive to wrestle with unanswered questions.
- Subversiveness does not have to be about fighting the existing systems. Being subversive is also about creating a new systems that makes the existing systems irrelevant.
“Good morning. (You can wait for them to say good morning back.) The purpose of this meeting is for this small group of individuals to make a difference in the climate and human crisis on Planet Earth. During these meetings we will keep informing ourselves by watching documentaries and relevant films. We will create and do experiments, go make expeditions that bring our purposes into action. This meeting is NOT about sharing opinions. It is about sharing in extraordinary actions that already are real change.”
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What You Need For Exiting The Patriarchy
by Gabriel MillingerMatrix Code JEWELS01.07
Until about 8 months ago, I wasn’t aware of how my life is shaped by Patriarchy. I wasn’t aware of the opportunities and advantages being a man grants me. I didn’t realize that the world we live in is made by - and made for - men. I didn’t know what I was creating in terms of relationships or intimacy, either. What I knew, I learned from my father and from my mother, and both of them live in Patriarchy. If parents in Patriarchy - and I do mean both mother and father - did not raise their children according to the same values they themselves were raised with, Patriarchy would have already died out centuries ago...
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Matrix Code JEWELS01.08
In the gameworld of Possibility Management, distinctions, thoughtmaps, processes, and tools are used to create a new way of interacting with the world, others, and ourselves. What is a tool ?
A tool is an object used to extend the ability of an individual to modify features of the surrounding environment (according to Wikipedia).
‘Modify’ might mean to create, reshape or destroy an object, behavior, or point of view...(Related:, and
Where Are The New Leaders? Doing S.P.A.R.K. Experiments!
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS01.09
Where are those individuals with courage enough to retool their thinking minds, upgrade their Thoughtware, and act outside of traditional behavior patterns to solve problems in new ways?
Believe it or not, one of them is reading these words right now. By Experimenting with S.P.A.R.K.s (Specific Practical Applications of Radical Knowledge) you learn wildly new forms of being with yourself and working with people in groups and Teams. If you have read this far, you can be certain that you already embody regenerative culture Spaceholding qualities, whether you know that about yourself or not.
These words would not interest you in the least unless you were willing to release the steel-hard grip of your mind on your reality. To read this far it must already excite you to learn that there exist Thoughtmaps for opening up access to new territories...
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White Widow Meet Yourself
by Gil Penha-Lopes
Matrix Code JEWELS01.10
The journey of a 'White Widow'!!! How to get your center back, ignite your will, and create and sustain authentic and radical relationships?
I intend to write in a way that invites you and nurture your will to read all the article till the end. I am writing this article while I am discovering and being more aware and conscious of my white widow survival strategy. I have started doing a conscious process starting on June of 2021 supported by people walking this transformative healing path that Possibility Management team has been uncovering over the last 40 years...
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Why I Am Learning To Roar
by Millicent Haughey
Matrix Code JEWELS01.11
I want to travel into the underbelly, to share insights. To reach down below like the spreading roots of a tree and perhaps reach you down there. Down in the underworld where we are not all that different. Where the light that reflects off the ocean is the same as the sparkle in your eyes, where the shadows of a moon-light night shift in the same shades of our collective unseen. Where consciousness can rise like the dawn and rest like a depleted cycle of breath. That place where I find you by going deeper into myself.
I want to introduce you to this skeleton by telling the story of how I learnt to consciously feel and express my anger. Everything I write is from my own personal experience. It was not taught to me in school, or from a book — although there are books and websites that have given my experience context and let me know that I am not crazy. Let me know that others have experienced similar things also. I also did not do it all totally alone, I was sat with and had little pieces explained to me. I watched others, then tried out my own experiments. I recorded the results on my phone, in my notebook and tried out the practices again. I spoke with people who have been doing similar things for longer and asked them endless questions, then went and refined my practice...
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Why I'm Writing
by Daway Chou-Ren
Matrix Code JEWELS01.12
"The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Solzhenitsyn was a prisoner in the Soviet Gulag camps for eight years. About 10% of prisoners died each year from disease, starvation, or overwork. But Solzhenitsyn observed that some of the worst cruelty within the Gulags - the creation of hierarchies that allowed for robbing, beating, and raping - was done not so much by the guards as by the prisoners themselves, perhaps in the hope of distracting themselves from the horror of their own fate.
We are all creating and perpetuating Gulags in our own way. No one is forcing us to be cruel, evil, or irresponsible, and yet we continue to do it. One such Gulag is our destruction of this planet. We buy into stories about needing to have this or that in order to be enough. We cannot resist the ego security that our technology or gasoline or vacations provide. If you really think this is not you, what happens if you imagine forgoing the plane flights it would take to get your carbon emissions under control? What happens if you imagine no longer buying cellphones with blood mine components?...
Matrix Code JEWELS01.13
Even if you, like me, don’t watch TV, you will have come across the news of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock in the face during the Oscar ceremony:
The entertainer on stage, Chris Rock, makes a comment on an actor’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith. The actor, Will Smith, walks on stage, slaps the entertainer in his face, returns to his seat and shouts at the entertainer something like “Do not take my wife’s name into your mouth!”. Shortly afterwards, the actor is presented with an Oscar. A few days later, the actor got banned from the Oscars for 10 years.
I was grateful for this out of the ordinary event. Not because I welcome violence (I don’t). Not because I think he was “right” (I’m not interested in that discussion). I was grateful because it gives a great example of why we need adults to consciously feel their feelings.
Will Any Humans Become Post-Carbon?
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS01.14
Probably nobody will read this article because it is far too long, far too full of horrifying details, and far too realistic for most tastes.
I write it anyway, to fulfill a promise I made.
[At least examine the graph to the right. The wavy red line shows carefully researched and measured actual Earth temperatures during the past 420,000 years, far longer than homo sapiens have existed on this planet. The dashed horizontal line indicates zero degrees Centigrade, the so called 'triple point' where water starts freezing into ice. You can see that life as we know it on Earth has thrived with Earth temperatures averaging around -4 degrees Centigrade for over four-hundred-thousand years. The wavy grey line represents the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas over those hundreds of millennia. CO2 is a well known and feared 'green-house gas'. Burning fossil fuels shot us past the tolerable upper limit of 350 parts per million in 1988. In 2021 our atmospheric CO2 concentration is 417 parts per million already promising +4 degrees temperature rise. But this is not the real shocker. The wavy black line on the graph represents the concentration of atmospheric methane (CH4) also measured for 420,000 years. For some reason the United Nations climate change scientists (I.P.C.C.) have ignored the effect of atmospheric methane even though it is 80 times more effective at holding in heat than CO2. On the graph you can see the consistently tight correlation between CO2 concentrations, CH4 concentrations, and average Earth temperature for 420,000. Now look at today's atmospheric concentration of methane: 1882 parts per billion. This much methane in our atmosphere holds in heat that is so far above life supporting temperatures - something like 16 degrees Centigrade above the pre-industrial average - and as the Earth and oceans warm further, it only releases more methane. What is to be done about this? Why is this clarity ignored? The graph as been on Wikipedia for years. I should know, because I put it there.]
Back in 2007 I read the book High Noon by J. F. Rischard (also available in German). Rischard’s information shattered my Box’s long-standing defenses against the outside world. In a state of shock, two friends and I tracked J. F. Rischard down in Paris and interviewed him for 2 days in 2008. What a kind and intelligent man he is. As a result of Rischard’s intense download I began studying-up on several global situations, in particular methane clathrates and depleted uranium...
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Women Are The Key To The Emergence Of Next Culture
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS01.15
This article was inspired by the documentary film “Ancient Future — Learnings from Ladakh”, based on the book of the same name written by Helena Norberg-Hodge 25 years ago. I highly recommend that you watch this documentary and read the book. It contains many shocking revelations.
Around the world, the Western-capitalist-patriarchal empire displaces, exterminates and enslaves local indigenous cultures. Helena Norberg-Hodge points out that this is possible because there is a weak link in the local cultures that Western marketers take advantage of. The weak link is teenage boys. Western culture is designed for them: fast cars, beautiful objectified women, easy money, power, fame… Western culture is a patriarchal culture designed by uninitiated teenage boys for uninitiated teenage boys. Modern culture relies on teenage boys to undermine and take over the local cultures.
Local boys are taken away from their village homes and sent to schools in the city “to learn skills with which they can get a real job and earn money”. The money they earn, of course, is used to buy what modern culture manufactures: Rayban sunglasses, Camel cigarettes, fast cars and an apartment of their own, leaving behind the knowledge of their own culture. The women and girls stay back in the village doing alone the work which the entire community used to do together. Once strong and proud, the women are left out of community life, decision-making, and their natural educational roles. Initiatory processes are forgotten as well as knowledge of how to grow food on the land. Communities are separated. Competition sneaks in. Hatred and scarcity become the basis on which thoughts, decision and actions are taken...
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Women’s Rage, Women’s Grief. Men’s Hearts, Please Hear.
by Devin Gleeson
Matrix Code JEWELS01.16
“Stand With Me, Even If It’s Too Late.”
Much of life is passed in the Ordinary. We wake up, go to work, pay bills, read news, negotiate logistics, eat doughnuts, go on diets, socialize, exercise, check our bank statements, meet with therapists, and enjoy our hobbies.
A secret known to few is that just to the left or right of the Ordinary is the expanse of the Extraordinary. Here, the unusual is common. What I mean by this is that transformation, discovery, love, healing, evolution of consciousness — rarities in the Ordinary world — are the threads that weave the fabric of the Extraordinary. More is possible here, and those who visit leave with the clarity that if humans spent more time in the Extraordinary, life would be better and the planet would thank us.
This is the story of one such Extraordinary space.
I open my Zoom meeting, and people start filing into the waiting room. One name after another populates the list, and I know them all. Over the past three weeks, I’ve made contact with each of these people, connecting and coordinating about the space we will be co-creating today. Now that the day has come, I am terrified...(Related:,,,,, and
Wounds As Gateways
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS01.17
I write this to share that your relationship to your ‘wounds’ can change.
You carry memories in your physical, intellectual, emotional, or energetic body of having been ‘wounded’ by one thing or another. The purpose here is not to declare ‘wounds’ as either good or bad, something to be wanted or something to be avoided. The purpose here is to explore how to make transformational use of your ‘wounds’.
In the radical responsibility context out of which Possibility Management emerges, the experiment I will be offering you is to stand in the place where you are 100% responsible for everything that happens to you. Moreover, this experiment is to take radical responsibility for the conscious and unconscious benefits of telling particular kinds of stories about those things that happened to you.
No one can force you to take radical responsibility. This would be like trying to force an acorn to prematurely sprout, or trying to force a chick to prematurely hatch out of its eggshell. No one can force you to experiment with taking more responsibility than is ordinarily considered to be reasonable. However, no one can stop you either.
(Related:,, and
Writing On The Edge
by Jeremy Lhoir
Matrix Code JEWELS01.18
It is important and even urgent that I share what I am discovering because soon my shape will change, and when that happens what is hard for me now will not freak out my expanded box so I will not be able to share it anymore with all the fear and anger and sadness and joy I am experiencing at high levels now. I can only share about my edge while I am on it.
The value in writing isn’t so much in the text I produce as in what I discover in the process: sitting down in front of a blank page and letting words appear, this is one of the activities which allows me to slip through the cracks of my box to reach my being, knock at its door and let it speak. Every time I sit and write in this way, I surprise myself with what appears on the paper, what comes out of me. I think: Where is this stuff coming from?! Not from my box, or it wouldn’t be surprised.
(Related:,,,,, and
The Year I Grew Fond Of Fear
by Jeremy Lhoir
Matrix Code JEWELS01.19
Until I discovered Possibility Management this June, I thought of fear as a bad thing, the opposite of Love, beneath me, only for the weak. I would say “I’m not afraid of anything.” Now I start many sentences with, “I feel afraid because...” I feel all the stronger for it because my fear gives me access to so much information to what is happening and/or could happen around me, and this opens up so many possibilities I did not see before.
Here is an example: this week I excelled at leading a construction site by using my fear consciously...
(Related:,,, and
Your Job Is What You Want To Exist
by Anne-Chloé Destremau
Matrix Code JEWELS01.20
Perhaps you have had the sensation of being so frustrated because something was not a certain way. You got so angry that you went ahead and made it happen. Can you recall the clarity and power that flowed through you? Do you remember how the Universe conformed to your reality-shaping offers? You probably did not know how to make it happen. And it was irrelevant. You probably did not have permission to do it. And you did not ask for it. You did whatever it took to bring what you wanted to exist into existence. What if your unreasonable and outrageous Rage that says “I want this to exist” is your real job? What if riding that rageful Dragon was what you came here to do?...
(Related:,,,, and
Your Money, or Your Life! Stupid Question, Or?
by Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code JEWELS01.21
You could retrain your managers and your employees to use their intelligence, energy and equipment to rebuild towns from the ground up making them regenerative. Provide towns with geothermal and other alternative local power. Take them off the grid. Redesign towns around community meeting centers, gardens, bicycle and walking paths instead of around cars. Make driving unnecessary and food growing local, integrated into community life. Rebuild homes and buildings into passive houses, heated by solar and body heat alone. Recycle everything. Bring the town’s carbon footprint to zero. Can you feel the difference in this new purpose? Would this be something to get out of bed in the morning to accomplish? Could you do this?...
(Related:,,, and
Your Questions Change The Shape Of Your Being
by Kian Nasir
Matrix Code JEWELS01.22
For many years I have untrained myself from having my own questions and walking with them towards wherever they might lead me.
When I entered school I was served a plate of questions and predetermined answers to choose from that had little to nothing to do with the questions my being really longed for. I learned to ask the 'right' questions, that the teachers would applaud, but my own questions, that were somewhere laying dormant within me, I buried deeper and deeper until I could not hear them anymore.
Even later when I started my 'spiritual search' I was still looking for some school, some teacher or guru to serve me his answers to the questions that I thought was spiritual to have. I was just in the state of consuming answers.
I had all the information in the world available with a swipe of my fingers. Thousands of years of mystic teachings downloadable as a pdf document. But deep down I was numb to the real questions that I have.
I even thought I had found all the answers. I 'knew' what consciousness is. I 'knew' that realizing my true nature as the never changing awareness in and behind all things is my purpose that solves every suffering.
And with that knowing I ran into a trap. The trap of escaping my own evolution by implanting the answers that others found in my mind.
Even if I experienced some bliss of having no thoughts and being just present through some meditation practice I felt like something was still odd.
Now I realize I actually have not fully been in my 5 bodies yet, I did not fully embody what I am. It was not yet so urgent for me, that I showed up in all my vulnerability to ask the questions I have come here to ask...(Related:,,,, and
What are you angry about?
by Sónia Gonçalves
Matrix Code JEWELS01.23
I was an angry little girl. I remember seeing things I didn’t like or things that were unfair, or people lying and I would just open my mouth and let it all out.
I would make myself be heard. Whether it was in school with teachers, with school mates, with my parents, with my brother, my grandmother.
I was connected with my anger and that brought me clarity in several moments and it also helped me take a stand for things that were important to me. But I was a little girl and I soon discovered it was not safe for me to express my anger or my clarity because the “adults” around me didn’t like it.
I reached a point that I became afraid of being angry. I became afraid of my own power. And I shut it down.
In order to survive, I repressed my anger, to be a part of, to be accepted, to be loved, I became more and more skilled in adapting to the surroundings, to people’s needs, moods, emotions and feelings. I trained myself to read the energetic space where I am in and to « predict” what is going to happen and be one step ahead of it.
(Related: Conscious Anger, Rage Club, Survival Strategy, PM Processes, Commitment)
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Ohne Wut findet keine Veränderung statt
von Friederike von Aderkas
Matrix Code JEWELS01.24
Wut hat einen schweren Stand in der Gesellschaft. Dabei kann sie im besten Fall eine Energiequelle sein. Ein Gespräch mit Coachin Friederike von Aderkas.
HANNES SOLTAUFrau von Aderkas, Sie sagen, dass die Arbeit mit Wut ihre Berufung sei. Das klingt zunächst befremdlich. Wie kam es dazu?
Im Jahr 2013 ist mein Bruder durch Suizid aus dem Leben gegangen. Unter anderen Gefühlen ist viel Wut in mir hochgekocht, nicht zuletzt, weil er sich entschieden hatte zu gehen. In der Auseinandersetzung mit meiner Lebensgeschichte wurde mir klar, dass Wut bei uns zu Hause keinen Platz hatte.Meinem Bruder ist es schwergefallen, seine Wut auszudrücken oder für sich einzustehen. Ich beobachtete, dass es vielen so geht. Heute möchte ich Wut einen bewussteren Platz in der Gesellschaft geben. Einen Ausdruck sucht sie sich in jedem Fall. Ob gegen mich selbst, zerstörerisch nach außen, passiv aggressiv, in Form von Rache oder durch Positionierung und Klarheit.
Was ist das eigentlich für Sie, diese Wut?
Eines von vier Grundgefühlen des Menschen. Neben Freude, Trauer und Angst...(Related:,,,,, and
Matrix Code JEWELSOF.00
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code JEWELS00.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!